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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

of paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(b)如果直到航班起飞 当日才安排座位,承运人必需使用a(2)的“优先座位 ”方案。
(c) If you do not provide advance seat assignments to passengers, you must allow passengers specified in §382.81 to board the aircraft before other passengers, including other "preboarded" passengers, so that the passengers needing seating accommodations can select seats that best meet their needs.
 如果承运人没有 提供 座位 预留安排 ,则必须允许 §382.81 中规定 的 旅客提 前 登 机 ,甚至早于其他 预先登机 的旅客 ,这样残疾旅客可以更好的选择符合自己需求的座位 。
 As a carrier, if you wish to use a different method of providing seating assignment accommodations to passengers with disabilities from those specified in this subpart, you must obtain the written concurrence of the Department of Transportation. Contact the Department at the address cited in §382.159 of this Part.
(d) 如果承运人希望通过本节规定之外的方法提供座位安排 ,必须 获得交通部的书面同意 。可按 §382.159 中列出的地址联系 。
§382.85 What seating accommodations must carriers make to passengers in circumstances not covered by §382.81 (a) (d)?
§382.85对§382.81 (a)-(d)中没有涵盖的情况 ,承运人应该提供哪些座位安排?
As a carrier, you must provide the following seating accommodations to a passenger who selfidentifies as having a
382.81 (a) (d) ofthis Part and as needing a seat assignment accommodation in order to readily access and use the carrier's air transportation services:
如果一位残疾旅客表明自己不属于 §382.81 (a)-(d)中列举的残疾 ,但需要安排座位以便获得承运人的航空运输服务 ,承运人必须对该旅客提供以下座位安排 :
(a) As a carrier that assigns seats in advance, you must provide accommodations in the following ways:
(a) 对提前 预留 座位的承运人 ,应该按以下方法提供座位安排 :
(1) If you use the "seat-blocking" mechanism of §382.83(a)(1)
of this Part, you must implement the requirements of this section as follows:
(1) 如果使用 §382.83(a)(1) 中的座位预留机制 ,则必须 满足以下要求 :
 When a passenger with a disability not described in §
3 8 2 . 8 1 (a) (d) of this Part makes a reservation more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight, you are not required to offer the passenger one of the seats blocked for the use of passengers with a disability listed under §382.81.
(i)如果残疾不属于 382.81 (a)-(d)中列举分类的旅客在航班起飞 24小时前订座 ,不要求承运人对其提供为 §382.81 列举旅客预留的座位;
 However, you must assign to the passenger any seat, not already assigned to another passenger that accommodates the passenger's needs, even if that seat is not available for assignment to the general passenger population at the time of
座位,即使在提出请求时该座位尚未对其他旅客开放 。
(2) If you use the "designated priority seats" mechanism of § 3 8 2 . 8 3 (a) (2 ) of this Part, you must implement the requirements of this section as follows:
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本文链接地址:美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act