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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(i) 运输服务动物的总体指南在本法规前言中 。将服务动物合法由美国运输到英国的必要步骤见 72FR 8268–8277 ( 2007 年2月26日)。
§382.119 What information must carriers give individuals with vision or hearing impairment on aircraft?
§ 382.119 在飞机上应该对视觉或听觉 受损伤 的旅客提供哪些信息 ?
 As a carrier, you must ensure that passengers with a disability who identify themselves as needing visual or hearing assistance have prompt access to the same information provided to other passengers on the aircraft as described in paragraph
 of this section, to the extent that it does not interfere with crewmembers’ safety duties as set forth in FAA and applicable foreign regulations.
 对承认自己 需要视觉或听觉协助的旅客 ,承运人应该在不影响机组成员遵守 FAA和适用外国法规的安全规定的前提下 ,保证其及时获得其它旅客可以获得本段 (b)中规定的信息 。
 The covered information includes but is not limited to the following: information concerning flight safety, procedures for takeoff and landing, flight delays, schedule or aircraft changes that affect the travel of persons with disabilities, diversion to a different airport, scheduled departure and
arrival time, boarding information, weather conditions at the flight’s destination, beverage and menu information, connecting gate assignments, baggage claim, individuals being paged by airlines, and emergencies (e.g., fire or bomb threat).
(b) 涵盖的信息包括但不限于 :飞行安全信息 ,起飞和降落程序 ,航班延误,影响残疾旅客旅行的时刻表或飞机变更,转换到 另一个不同的机场 , 预 定 的 离 港 和 到 达 时 间 ,登机信息 ,目的地天气情况 ,饮料和菜单信息 , 中 转 登机门,领取行李,航空公司 呼叫的乘客 ,紧急情况 (如,火灾或炸弹威胁 )。
Subpart I Stowage of Wheelchairs, Other Mobility Aids, and
Other Assistive Devices
轮椅 ,其它移动辅助装置和其它辅助装置的存放
§382.121 What mobility aids and other assistive devices may passengers with a disability bring into the aircraft cabin?
§ 382.121 残疾旅客可以带哪些移动辅助或其它辅助装置进入飞机?
(a) As a carrier, you must permit passengers with a disability to bring the following kinds of items into the aircraft cabin, provided that they can be stowed in designated priority storage areas or in overhead compartments or under seats, consistent with FAA, PHMSA, TSA, or applicable foreign government
requirements concerning security, safety, and hazardous materials with respect to the stowage of carry-on items.
(a) 承运人 应该允许残疾旅客携带以下物件进入客舱 ,前提是这些物件 可以 存 放 到 指 定 的 优 先 存 放 区 或 头 顶 行 李 架 或 座 位 下 ,并且符合 FAA, PHMSA, TSA, 或其它适用 的外国政府安全相关要 求,或危险品 条例 。
(1) Manual wheelchairs, including folding or collapsible
(1) 手动轮椅 ,包括 可折叠式或拆卸的 轮椅 ;
(2) Other mobility aids, such as canes (including those used by persons with impaired vision),crutches, and walkers; and
(2) 其它移动辅助设备,如手杖 (含视觉障碍旅客使用的 ),拐杖和手杖; 以 及
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