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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 In making this assessment, you must consider the significance of the consequences of a communicable disease and the degree to which it can be readily transmitted by casual contact in an aircraft cabin environment.
(2) 评估时应该考虑传染性疾病的可能后果以及在客舱环境中偶然接触传染的程度。
EXAMPLE 1 TO THIS PARAGRAPH (b)(2): The common cold is readily transmissible in an aircraft cabin environment but does not have severe health consequences. Someone with a cold would not pose a direct threat.
例1:普通感冒在客舱环境下很容易传播,但不会导致严重健康后果。 感冒 的 人不构成直接威胁;
EXAMPLE 2 TO THIS PARAGRAPH (b)(2): AIDS has very severe health consequences but is not readily transmissible in an aircraft cabin environment. Someone would not pose a direct threat because he or she is HIV-positive or has AIDS.
EXAMPLE 3 TO THIS PARAGRAH (b)(2): SARS may be readily transmissible in an aircraft cabin environment and has severe health consequences. Someone with SARS probably poses a direct threat.
 If a passenger with a communicable disease meeting the direct threat criteria of this section gives you a medical certificate of the kind outlined in §382.23(c)(2) describing measures for preventing transmission of the disease during the normal course of the flight, you must provide transportation to the passenger, unless you are unable to carry out the measures.
(c)如果携带感染性疾病的旅客构成直接威胁 ,但提供了 一份 § 382.23(c)(2) 要求的医疗证明解释可以采取措施阻止疾病在飞机正常飞行过程中传播 ,则必需给该旅客提供运输,无法采取这些措施的除外 。
 If your action under this section results in the postponement of a passenger's travel, you must permit the passenger to travel at a later time (up to 90 days from the date of the postponed travel)at the fare that would have applied to the passenger's originally scheduled trip without penalty or, at the passenger's discretion, provide a refund for any unused flights, including return flights.
(d) 如果承运 人根据本节内容采取相应行动而 导致旅客行程延误的 ,必须
允许旅客在之后的时间 (延误之日起 90天内 )以原定行程的票价乘坐飞机 , 不 收 取 (变更 )费用 ,或是如果旅客要求,必须对任何未使用航班,包括回程航班提供退款 。
(e) If you take any action under this section that restricts a passenger’s travel, you must, on the passenger’s request, provide a written explanation within 10 days of the request.
(e) 如果采取本节限制旅客旅行的行动 ,必需在旅客要求时,于10天内提供一份书面解释。
§382.23 May carriers require a passenger with a disability to provide a medical certificate?
§ 382.23 承运人能否要求残疾旅客提供医疗证明 ?
(a) Except as provided in this section, you must not require a passenger with a disability to have a medical certificate as a condition for being provided transportation.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act