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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(a) The specific location of seats, if any, with movable armrests (i.e., by row and seat number);
 带活动扶手的座位 (如果有的 话)的位置 (如,第几排座位数 );
 The specific location of seats (i.e., by row and seat number)
that the carrier, consistent with this Part, does not make available to passengers with a disability (e.g., exit row seats);
(b) 根据本法规要求 ,承运人不向满足乘机条件的残疾人提供的座位位置 (如,紧急出口一排的座位);
(c) Any aircraft-related, service-related or other limitations
including limitations on the availability of level-entry boarding to the aircraft at any airport involved with the flight. You must provide this information to any passenger who states that he or she uses a wheelchair for boarding, even if the passenger does not explicitly request the information.
(c) 任何与飞机相关 、服务相关 或其它导致无法运输残疾旅客的限制 , 包括 飞 机停 靠 机 场 没 有 水 平 登 机 口 等 信 息 。这些信息应该提供给提 出自己乘坐轮椅的旅客 ,不论旅客有没有明确提出要求;
(d) Any limitations on the availability of storage facilities, in the cabin or in the cargo bay, for mobility aids or other assistive devices commonly used by passengers with a disability, including storage in the cabin of a passenger ’s wheelchair as provided in §§ 382.67 and 382.123 of this Part;
(d) 在客舱或行李舱内存放残疾人常用助动器具或其他辅助设备的任何限制,包括 §§ 382.67和382.123 规定的在客舱或行李舱存放旅客轮椅 ;
(e) Whether the aircraft has an accessible lavatory; and
 飞机 上是否有 残疾人可使用的 卫生间;
 The types of services to passengers with a disability that are or are not available on the flight.
(f) 航班上可以或不可以给残疾旅客提供的服务。
382.43 Must information and reservation services of carriers be accessible to individuals with hearing impairments?
§ 382.43 必须 对听力有障碍 的旅客提供承运人信息或订座服务 吗?
(a) If, as a carrier, you provide telephone reservation and information service to the public, you must make this service available to individuals who use a text telephone (TTY),
whether via your own TTY, voice relay, or other available technology, as follows:
(a)如果承运人对大众提供电话订座和信息服务 ,则承运人必需通过 TT Y
( 文 本 电 话 ), 电传打字或其它技术手段对使用TTY(文本电话 )的旅客提供 以下 同样的服务 :
(1) You must provide access to TTY users during the same hours as the telephone service is available to the general public.
 对TTY(文本电话)用户服务时间应该与对普通用户提供 的服务时间相同 。
 You must ensure that the response time for answering calls and the level of service provided to TTY users is substantially equivalent to the response time and level of service provided to the general public (i.e., non-TTY users).
(2) 应该确保TTY(文本电话 )用户的电话接听时间和服务水平与普通用户 ( 如 非TTY(文本电话 )用户)没有实质差别。
(3) You must not subject TTY users to charges exceeding those that apply to non-TTY users of telephone information and reservation service.
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