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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 As a U.S. carrier, you must make a CRO available at each airport you serve during all times you are operating at that airport. As a foreign carrier, you must make a CRO available at each airport serving flights you operate that begin or end at a U.S. airport. You may make the CRO available in person at the airport or via telephone, at no cost to the passenger. If a telephone link to the CRO is used, TTY service or a similarly effective technology must be available so that persons with hearing impairments may readily communicate with the CRO. You must make CRO service available in the language(s) in which you make your services available to the general public.
(b) 美国承运人必须 在美国运营的机 场所有运营时间内提供一名投诉处理人 。外国承运人必须 在其自 /至美国航班所在机场提供一名投诉处理人 。投 诉 处 理 人 可以在机场或是通过电话接受投诉 ,不对旅客造成任何成本 费用 。 如 果 投 诉 处 理 人使 用 电 话 ,则也应该提供 TTY(文本电话 )服务或有类似效果的技术以方便听 觉障碍的旅客联系投诉处理人 。投诉处理人应该提供 航班乘客普遍使用 的语言 。
(c) You must make passengers with a disability aware of the availability of a CRO and how to contact the CRO in the following circumstances:
(c) 承运人必须在以下情况下让残疾旅客知道投诉处理人和如何联系投诉处理人 :
 In any situation in which any person complains or raises a concern with your personnel about discrimination, accommodations, or services with respect to passengers with a disability, and your personnel do not immediately resolve the issue to the customer’s satisfaction or provide a requested accommodation, your personnel must immediately inform the passenger of the right to contact a CRO and then contact a CRO on the passenger’s behalf or provide the passenger a means (e.g ., a phone, a phone card plus the location and/or phone number of the CRO available at the airport). Your personnel must provide this information to the passenger in a format he or she can use.
(1)当旅客投诉或提出关于承运人的工作人员对残疾旅客歧视、座位安排或服务的问题 ,且工作人员不能马上解决问题让旅客满意或 无法提供其要求的座位,该人员必须立即 告知该旅客有权联系投诉处理人,并代表旅客联系投诉处理人或给旅客提供一种 联系方式 (如电话 、电话卡和机场投诉处理人的地址或电话 号码)。工作人员必须 以旅客可以使用的形式向旅客提供这些信息 。
 Your reservation agents, contractors, and web sites must provide information equivalent to that required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section to passengers with a disability using those services who complain or raise a concern about a disability-related issue.
(2) 承运人的售票人员 ,承包商和网站必须对使用这些服务的残疾旅客提出 的 投 诉 或 问题提供相当于上面 (c)(1) 的信息 。
(d) Each CRO must be thoroughly familiar with the requirements
of this Part and the carrier's procedures with respect to passengers with a disability. The CRO is intended to be the carrier’s“expert” in compliance with the requirements of this Part.
 每个投诉处理人必须 完全熟悉本法规内容和承运人关于残疾旅客的处理程序。投诉处理人应该成为承运人遵守本法规方面的专家。
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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