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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 不要求对现有飞机更改客舱装置。但是如果飞机更换新座椅,则新座椅必须按本节要求配有活动扶手。但是不要求飞机在一半以上的座位上安装移动扶手 。
 As a foreign carrier, you must comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section with respect to new aircraft you operate that were initially ordered after May 13,2009 or which are delivered after May 13, 2010. As a U.S. carrier, the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) apply to you with respect to new aircraft you operate that were initially ordered after April 5, 1990, or which are delivered after April 5, 1992. As a U.S. carrier,paragraph (c) of this section applies to you with respect to new aircraft you operate that were initially ordered after May 13, 2009 or which were delivered after May 13, 2010.
(f) 如果是外国承运人 ,对2009 年5月13日之后订购或 2010 年5月13日以后交付的新飞机,必须执行本节a-d规定。对美国承运人,1990年4月5日之后订购或1992年4月5日之后交付的飞机,适用本节 (a), (b), (d) 和 (e) 的要求;对2009年5月13日之后订购或 2010年5月13日以后交付的新飞机使用本节 (c)的规定。
 As a foreign carrier, you must comply with the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section with respect to seats ordered after May 13, 2009.
(g) 对2009年5月13日以后订购的飞机,外国承运人必需遵守本节 ( e ) 的要 求。
§382.63 What are the requirements for accessible lavatories?
§ 382.63 对无障碍卫生间有哪些要求?
(a) As a carrier, you must ensure that aircraft with more than one aisle in which lavatories are provided shall include at least one accessible lavatory.
(a)承运人必须确保过道超过一个的飞机上至少有一个无障碍卫生间 。
(1) The accessible lavatory must permit a qualified individual with a disability to enter,maneuver within as necessary to use all lavatory facilities, and leave, by means of the aircraft's on-board wheelchair.
 The accessible lavatory must afford privacy to persons using the on-board wheelchair equivalent to that afforded ambulatory users.
(2) 无障碍卫生间应该对使用机上轮椅的旅客提供与可自行走动的旅客享有的相同的隐密性 。
(3) The lavatory shall provide door locks, accessible call buttons, grab bars, faucets and other controls, and dispensers usable by qualified individuals with a disability, including wheelchair users and persons with manual impairments.
(3) 无障碍卫生间应该提供符合乘机条件的残疾旅客需求的装置,包括使用轮椅的旅客和双手有损伤的旅客,能够使用的门锁,无障碍呼叫按钮, 扶 手,龙头和其它控制装置,以及自动售货机。
(b) With respect to aircraft with only one aisle in which lavatories are provided, you may, but are not required to,
provide an accessible lavatory.
(b) 对只有一条过道的飞机 ,不要求但可以提供无障碍卫生间。
(c) You are not required to retrofit cabin interiors of existing aircraft to comply with the requirements of this section. However, if you replace a lavatory on an aircraft with more than one aisle, you must replace it with an accessible lavatory.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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