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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(b) You must also provide or ensure the provision of assistance requested by or on behalf of a passenger with a disability, or offered by carrier or airport operator personnel and accepted by a passenger with a disability, in moving from the terminal entrance (or a vehicle drop-off point adjacent to the entrance) through the airport to the gate for a departing flight, or from the gate to the terminal entrance (or a vehicle pick-up point adjacent to the entrance after an arriving flight).
(b) 必须提供或保证提供旅客或其代表要求的,或承运人或机场运营方人员提供给残疾旅客的,帮助残疾旅客从航站楼入口 (或入口附近车辆停靠点)通过机场到达离港航班登机口 ,或由 登机门到机场入口 (或入口附近车辆停靠点 )的协助。
(1) This requirement includes assistance in accessing key functional areas of the terminal, such as ticket counters and baggage claim.
 This requirement also includes a brief stop upon the passenger’s request at the entrance to a rest room (including an accessible rest room when requested). As a carrier, you are required to make such a stop only if the rest room is available on the route to the destination of the enplaning, deplaning, or connecting assistance and you can make the stop without
unreasonable delay. To receive such assistance, the passenger must self-identify as being an individual with a disability needing the assistance.
(2) 本要求还包括应旅客要求在卫生间的短暂停留 (包括在旅客要求时提供无障碍卫生间 )。 承运人只需对在去往登机 、下机或者中转协助的途中有卫生间的 ,并且不会造成不合理延误的情况下短暂停留 。要获得这种协助,旅客必须 自行声明需要此方面的协助 。
(c) As a carrier at a U.S. airport, you must, on request, in cooperation with the airport operator,provide for escorting a passenger with a service animal to an animal relief area provided under§382.51(a)(5) of this Part.
 在美国机场的承运人 ,必须 与机场运营方合作 ,陪同携带服务性动物的旅客到动物方便区 (§ 382.51(a)(5) )
 As part of your obligation to provide or ensure the provision of assistance to passengers with disabilities in moving through the terminal (e.g., between the terminal entrance and the gate,between gate and aircraft, from gate to a baggage claim area), you must assist passengers who are unable to carry their luggage because of a disability with transporting their gate-checked or carry-on luggage. You may request the credible verbal assurance that a passenger cannot carry the luggage in question. If a passenger is unable to provide credible assurance, you may require the passenger to provide documentation as a condition of providing this service.
(d)作为提供或保证提供残疾旅客在航站移动 (如从航站入口到登机门 , 从登机门到飞机 ,从登机门到行李领取区)的协助义务的一部分 ,承运人
必须 协助因残疾无法携带行李的旅客运输其在登机门托运的行李或手提行李 。可以要求不能携带这些行李的旅客提供可信的口头保证。如果旅客无法作出可信的保证 ,可以要求其提供一份证明作为提供这种服务的条件。
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