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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(2) 如果使用 §382.83(a)(2) 的“指定优先座位”机制 ,则必须满足以下要求:
 When a passenger with a disability not described in § 3 8 2 . 8 1 makes a reservation, you must assign to the passenger any seat, not already assigned to another passenger, that accommodates the passenger's needs, even if that seat is not available for assignment to the general passenger population at the time of the request. You may require a passenger making such a request to check in one hour before the standard check-in time for the flight.
(i)如果有不属于 §382.81中列举的残疾的旅客订座,必须 为该旅客安排任何能满足其需求的尚未安排给其他旅客的座位 ,即使在提出请求时该座位尚未对其他旅客开放。可以要求该旅客提前1小时办理乘机手续。
 If such a passenger is assigned to a designated priority seat, he or she is subject to being reassigned to another seat as provided in §382.83(a)(2)(i) of this subpart.
(ii) 如果该旅客被安排到指定的优先座位,则他或她有可能重新被安排到另一座位 ,以便给符合条件的(残疾旅客)安排座位见 §382.83(a)(2)(i) 。
(b) On flights where advance seat assignments are not offered, you must provide seating accommodations under this section by allowing passengers to board the aircraft before other passengers, including other "preboarded" passengers, so that
the individuals needing seating accommodations can select seats that best meet their needs.
 在没有提前安排座位的航班上 ,承运人必须 根据本节要求 ,允许残疾旅客比其他旅客 ,包括优先登机旅客 ,提前登机进行座位安排 ,以使这些旅客可以安排最符合自己需求的座位 。
 If you assign seats to passengers, but not until the date of the flight, you must use the “priority seating” approach of section 382.83(a)(2).
(c)如果直到 航班起飞当天才安排座位 ,则必须 使用 382.83(a)(2) 规定的优先座位方案 。
§382.87 What other requirements pertain to seating for passengers with a disability?
§ 382.87 对残疾旅客的座位还有什么要求 ?
(a) As a carrier, you must not exclude any passenger with a disability from any seat or require that a passenger with a disability sit in any particular seat, on the basis of disability, except to comply with FAA or applicable foreign government safety requirements.
 承运人不能以残疾为由限制残疾旅客乘坐任何座位或是要求其乘坐任何指定座位 ,FAA或国外适用法规有规定的除外 。
 In responding to requests from individuals for accommodations under this subpart, you must comply with FAA and applicable foreign government safety requirements, including those pertaining to exit seating (see 14 CFR §§121.585 and 135.129).
(b) 对根据 F部分提出要求的旅客,必须遵循 FAA和适用外国政府安全规定答复,包括紧 急出口座位的相关规定 。(见14 CFR121.585和135.129).
(c) If a passenger’s disability results in involuntary active behavior that would result in the person properly being refused transportation under §382.19, and the passenger could be transported safely if seated in another location, you must offer to let the passenger sit in that location as an alternative to being refused transportation.
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