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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 如果一名残疾旅客的非自愿行为可能导致其被合理的拒绝运输 (§ 382.19), 但该旅客使用另一个座位 时却可以安全运输 ,则承运人必须 让该旅 客 坐 在 该 特 定位 置 作 为 被 拒 绝 运 输 的 替代 方 案 。
 If you have already provided a seat to a passenger with a disability to furnish an accommodation required by this subpart, you must not (except in the circumstance described in § 3 8 2 . 8 5 (a) (2 ) ( i i ) ) reassign that passenger to another seat in response to a subsequent request from another passenger with a disability, without the first passenger’s consent.
(d) 如果根据本节要求已经为残疾旅客提供了座位的,则不能 (除§ 382.85(a)(2)(ii) 中有特殊规定外 ), 在另一名旅客提出相同要求 ,且没有得到第一名旅客同意的情况下 ,将其座位安排给另一名旅客 。
(e) You must never deny transportation to any passenger in order to provide accommodations required by this subpart.
(e) 不能为了提供 F部分要求的座位安排而拒绝运输任何旅客 。
(f) You are not required to furnish more than one seat per ticket
or to provide a seat in a class of service other than the one the passenger has purchased in order to provide an accommodation required by this Part.
(f) 不要求 承运人为了满足本节要求而为一张票提供一个以上座位 ,或在非旅
客所购 的舱位为其提供座位 。
Subpart G Boarding, Deplaning, and Connecting Assistance
登机 ,下机和中转协助
§382.91 What assistance must carriers provide to passengers with a disability in moving within the terminal?
§ 382.91 承运人应 该为在航站楼内活动的残疾旅客提供哪些帮助 ?
(a) As a carrier, you must provide or ensure the provision of assistance requested by or on behalf of a passenger with a disability, or offered by carrier or airport operator personnel and accepted by a passenger with a disability, in transportation between gates to make a connection to another flight. If the arriving flight and the departing connecting flight are operated by different carriers,the carrier that operated the arriving flight (i.e., the one that operates the first of the two flights that are connecting) is responsible for providing or ensuring the provision of this assistance, even if the passenger holds a separate ticket for the departing flight. It is permissible for the two carriers to mutually agree that the carrier operating the departing connecting flight (i.e., the second flight of the two) will provide this assistance, but the carrier operating the arriving flight remains responsible under this section for ensuring that the assistance is provided.
(a) 承运人应该提供或保证提供旅 客或其代表要求的 ,或是有承运人或机
场运营方人员提供给残疾旅客的,中转航班登机门到登机门之间的运输。如 果 抵 达 航 班 和 离 港 中 转 航 班 是 由 不 同 承运 人 运 营 的 ,则运营抵达航班的承运人(如运营中转航班前一个的承运人)应该负责提供或保证提供这种协助 ,即使旅客持有的离港航班是一张单独的客票。允许两家承运人协商让中转的离港航班 (中转两个承运人的第二个)提供这种协助,但本节规定的第一个航班还应该对保证提供协助负责。
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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