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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(6) 必须 在所有可以显示字幕的电视或视听节目中加入字幕并在 5 月 1 3 日
前 发 放 到 旅 客 可 以 到 达 的 航 站 各 个位置 ,字幕应该尽可能是高 对比度的。
(7) You must replace any televisions and other audio-visual displays providing passengers with safety briefings, information, or entertainment that do not have high-contrast captioning capability with equipment that does have such capability whenever such equipment is replaced in the normal course of operations and/or whenever areas of the terminal in which such equipment is located are undergoing substantial renovation or expansion.
(7) 在正常运营中更换设备或是在设备所在航站区域进行大面积装修或扩建时 ,必须将任何没有高对比度字幕显示的为旅客提供安全通告、信息或娱乐 的电视或其它视听播放设备更换为可以显示高对比度字幕的设备 。
(8) If you newly acquire televisions and other audio-visual displays for passenger safety briefings, information, or entertainment on or after (the effective date of the rule), such equipment must have high-contrast captioning capability.
(8) 如果在 2009年5月13日之后采购为旅客提供安全通告 、信息或娱乐的电视或其它视听播放设备,这些设备必须有显示高对比度字幕功能。
(b) As a carrier, you must ensure that passengers with a disability can readily use all terminal facilities you own, lease, or control at a foreign airport. In the case of foreign carriers, this requirement applies only to terminal facilities that serve flights covered by section 382.7 of this Part.
(b) 承运人必须 保证残疾旅客可以使用其在国 外机场拥有 ,租赁或控制的航站设备 ,这一要求仅适用于提供本节 § 382.7 涵盖的航班服务的机场。
(1) This means that passengers with a disability must be able
to move readily through such terminal facilities to get to or from the gate and any other area from which passengers board the aircraft you use for such flights (e.g., the tarmac in the case of flights that do not use level -entry boarding). This obligation is in addition to your obligation to provide
enplaning, deplaning, and connecting assistance to passengers.
 这意味着残疾旅客必须 能够使用承运人为这些航班提供的航站设施进出登机门和其它旅客登机的区域 (如不适用水平登机的航班停靠的停机坪) 。
 You may meet this obligation through any combination of facility accessibility, auxiliary aids, equipment, the assistance of personnel, or other appropriate means consistent with the safety and dignity of passengers with a disability.
(2) 承运人可以通过任何无障碍设施、辅助装置,设备,人员协助或其它符合残疾旅客尊严和安全的适用方法的组合达到这条要求。
(c) As a foreign carrier, you must meet the requirements of this section by May 13, 2010 except as otherwise indicated in paragraph (a). As a U.S. carrier, you must meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section by May 13, 2010.
(c)外国承运人必须在2010年5月13日前满足本节要求,(a)段要求的除外。美国承运人必须 在2010年5月13日前满足本节 (b)段的要求。
§382.53 What information must carriers give individuals with a vision or hearing impairment at airports?
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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