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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 For crewmembers and other personnel who are employed on May 13, 2009, within one year after that date;
(2) 对2009年5月13日雇佣的机组或其它员工 ,在就职一年内完成培训 ;
(3) For crewmembers whose employment commences after May 13, 2010, before they assume their duties;
(3) 2010年5月13日之后就职的机组,在就职前完成培训 ;
(4) For other personnel whose employment in any given position commences after May 13,2010, or within 60 days after the date on which they assume their duties; and
(4) 其它 2010年5月13日后任职的任何岗位员工 ,就职后 60天内完成培训 ;
(5) For crewmembers and other personnel whose employment in any given position commences after May 13, 2009, but before May 13, 2010, by May 13, 2010 or a date 60 days after the date of their employment, whichever is later.
(5) 2009年5月13日之后 2010年5月13日前就职的任何岗位的机组或其他员工 ,在2010年5月13日前或就职后 60天内完后 。
§382.145 What records concerning training must carriers retain?
§ 382.145 承运人应该保留哪些培训相关记录?
(a) As a carrier that operates aircraft with 19 or more
the requirements of this Part in the manuals or other guidance or instructional materials provided for the carrier and contract personnel who provide services to passengers, including, but not limited to, pilots, flight attendants, reservation and ticket counter personnel, gate agents, ramp and baggage handling personnel, and passenger service office personnel. You must retain these records for review by the Department on the Department's request. If, upon such review, the Department determines that any portion of these materials must be changed in order to comply with this Part, DOT will direct you to make appropriate changes. You must incorporate and implement these changes
(a)运营超过19个座位的飞机的承运人,应该 提供为旅客服务的承运人或承包工作人员的手册、或其它指引程序 或指导材料中包含执行本法规的具体程序,这些人员包括但不限于飞行员 、机组成员 、订座和出票人员 、登 机 口 服务人 员 、行李装卸人员和旅客服务部门员工。这些记录应该保留以备交通部审查 。如果交通部在审查时认为记录的某些部分需要整改才能符合本法规 ,交通部 会指导 承运人做出正确的修正 ,承运人必须接受 并执行这些修正 。
(b) You must retain for three years individual employee training records demonstrating that all persons required to receive initial and refresher training have done so.
(b) 员工培训记录必须保留至少 3年以证明所有需要接受初始培训和再培训的员工已得到培训 。
Subpart K Complaints and Enforcement Procedures
§382.151 What are the requirements for providing Complaints
Resolution Officials?
§ 382.151 投诉处理人 (CRO)相关要求?
(a) As a carrier providing scheduled service or a carrier providing nonscheduled service using aircraft with 19 or more passenger seats, you must designate one or more CROs.
 提供定期航班服务的承运人 ,或提供 不定期航班但营运 19个或以上 座位 的 飞 机 的 承运 人 ,必须指 定一名以上投诉处理人。
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