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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(4) *7'重视)J3-,--M%-)J13*4Olv)4-,*fAX.4- ;ft—t-AOlvif'01310 tX4-#OlvAttAT/614 CFR 121.57(a)(3) *-0 (a)(4), 14 CFR 135,117(b) Ni_Olv----,3-,--MAM-1117Tt运AFX-)TAAIOlv安全Ni (*f适#1 ); 3-,--MA ;f在'0;tilt-,23L-Fiti1044-4)1,,7Tt运)I-aJtA** ;-114带-全111-'s117-4Olvi_ Aj4-. k*484\11,-1-知7Tt运AtAlk出/64.*fAj4-aftAX-知* *,7Tt运AI然g-i*-MI-aJAM际Olvilt-,23L-Ftk运i4-.
(c) (1) If you determine that a person meeting the criteria of paragraph (b)(2), (b)(3) or (b)(4) of this section must travel with a safety assistant, contrary to the individual's self-assessment that he or she is capable of traveling independently, you must not charge for the transportation of the safety assistant. You are not required to find or provide the safety assistant, however.
(c)(1) *fA7Tt运人确定符合 (b)(2), (b) (3)3-,--M(b)(4)5-PfOlvA4-g-i*-* ---名-全111-'s117-4 ,—旅4-个A认为I-aJtA独立完成旅行Olv-11法 ;---5*,rAt17Tt¬) ;g-i*-01-.全111-'s117-4tec.41.运4)-4i#1. ;.,7Tt运A-k无4--X为旅4---4-0,3-,--Mk 1#4全111-'s117-4 .
(2) For purposes of paragraph (b)(4) of this section, you may require, contrary to the individual’s self-assessment, that an individual with both severe hearing and vision impairments must travel with a safety assistant if you determine that —
(2) 对本节 (b)(4) ,承运人如果与旅客个人意见不同,且认定以下几点 , 则 可 以 要 求该 听 力 和 视 力 都 有 严 重 障 碍 的 旅 客 必 须 有一名安全陪同 -
(i) the means of communication that the individual has explained to you does not adequately satisfy the objectives identified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section; or
 该旅客 (向承运人 )解释的沟通方式不足以实现本节(b)(4) 的目的 ; 或 是
 the individual proposes to establish communication by means of finger spelling and you cannot, within the time following the individual’s notification, arrange for a flight crew member who can communicate using this method to serve the passenger’s flight.
(ii) 旅客建议使用手写的方式沟通,但在旅客告知 后,承运人无法 安排一名机组成员用这个方法在航班过程中与旅客沟通 。
(3) If a passenger voluntarily chooses to travel with a personal care attendant or safety assistant that you do not require, you may charge for the transportation of that person.
(3) 如果承运人没有要求而旅客自愿带一名安全陪同 ,则承运人可以对陪同人员 收费。
(d) If, because there is not a seat available on a flight for a safety assistant whom the carrier has determined to be
reservation is unable to travel on the flight, you must compensate the passenger with a disability in an amount to be calculated as provided for instances of involuntary denied boarding under 14 CFR Part 250,where Part 250 applies.
(d)如果承运人要求残疾旅客必须有安全陪同人但航班没有可利用座位 ,
导 致 已 订 座 残 疾 旅 客 无 法 成 行 ,则承运人必须按适用 条例250,根据 14 CFR part 250 非自愿被拒 绝登机的规定数额赔偿旅客 。
(e) For purposes of determining whether a seat is available for a safety assistant, you must deem the safety assistant to have checked in at the same time as the passenger with a disability.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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