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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(a) 承运人应该允许残疾旅客携带服务性动物飞行。
(1) You must not deny transportation to a service animal on the basis that its carriage may offend or annoy carrier personnel or persons traveling on the aircraft.
 不能以可能冒犯或触怒机组人员或其它乘客为由拒绝运输服务性动物 。
 On a flight segment scheduled to take 8 hours or more, you may, as a condition of permitting a service animal to travel in the cabin, require the passenger using the service animal to provide documentation that the animal will not need to relieve itself on the flight or that the animal can relieve itself in a way that does not create a health or sanitation issue on the flight.
(2) 在飞行时间超过8小时的航段上,承运人可以要求携带服务性动物的旅客证明该动物无需 在航班上排泄或是排泄的方式不会造成健康或卫生问题,以此作为运输该动物的要求。
(b) You must permit the service animal to accompany the passenger with a disability at any seat in which the passenger sits, unless the animal obstructs an aisle or other area that must remain unobstructed to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
(b) 必须允许服务性 动物陪伴 在残疾旅客乘坐的任何座位旁边 ,除非该动物挡住了过道或其它紧急撤离 不能阻挡的区域 。
(c) If a service animal cannot be accommodated at the seat location of the passenger with a disability who is using the
with the animal to another seat location, if present on the aircraft, where the animal can be accommodated.
 如果满足乘机条件的残疾人的座位处不能容纳伴随残疾人的工作犬 (包括辅助犬、导听犬 、导盲犬 ),则承运人必须将该旅客连同其辅助犬一起移到另一处可容纳该辅助犬的座位处 (若该航空器上有的话),以作为要求该辅助犬当作托运行李的替代 。
 As evidence that an animal is a service animal, you must accept identification cards, other written documentation, presence of harnesses, tags, or the credible verbal assurances of a qualified individual with a disability using the animal.
(d)证明动物是服务性动物时,承运人应该接受动物身份牌,其它书面文件,绳子 ,标签或使用该动物的残疾旅客的口头保证。
 If a passenger seeks to travel with an animal that is used as an emotional support or psychiatric service animal, you are not required to accept the animal for transportation in the cabin unless the passenger provides you current documentation (i.e., no older than one year from the date of the passengers scheduled initial flight) on the letterhead of a licensed mental health professional including a medical doctor specifically treating the passenger’s mental or emotional disability (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker) stating the following:
(e) 如果旅客希望携V1于情感支持或心理服务物,不要求承运
除旅客提供 一份有注 册精 神健康专业人 员 (如精神病专家 ,心理医生,注册诊所医师 )证明 的,最新的 文件 (如旅客航班始发时间一年时间以内 )说明以下几点 :
(1) The passenger has a mental or emotional disability
recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM IV);
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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