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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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In summary, the angle of bank required at any given point in the maneuver is dependent on the groundspeed. The faster the groundspeed, the steeper the bank; the slower the groundspeed, the shallower the bank. To express it another way, the more nearly the helicopter is to a downwind heading, the steeper the bank; the more nearly it is to an upwind heading, the shallower the bank. In addition to varying the angle of bank to correct for drift in order to maintain the proper radius of turn, the helicopter must also be flown with a drift correction angle (crab) in relation to its ground track; except of course, when it is on direct upwind or downwind headings or there is no wind. One would normally think of the fore and aft axis of the helicopter as being tangent to the ground track pattern at each point. However, this is not the case. During the turn on the upwind side of the reference line (side from which the wind is blowing), crab the nose of the helicopter toward the outside of the circle. During the turn on the downwind side of the reference line (side of the reference line opposite to the direction from which the wind is blowing), crab the nose of the helicopter toward the inside of the circle. In either case, it is obvious that the helicopter is being crabbed into the wind just as it is when trying to maintain a straight ground track. The amount of crab depends upon the wind velocity and how nearly the helicopter is to a crosswind position. The stronger the wind, the greater the crab angle at any given position for a turn of a given radius. The more nearly the helicopter is to a crosswind position, the greater the crab angle. The maximum crab angle should be at the point of each half circle farthest from the reference line. 

A standard radius for S-turns cannot be specified, since the radius depends on the airspeed of the helicopter, the velocity of the wind, and the initial bank chosen for entry. 

This training maneuver requires you to fly constant radius turns around a preselected point on the ground using a bank of approximately 30°, while maintaining a constant altitude. [Figure 9-17] Your objective, as in other ground reference maneuvers, is to develop the ability to subconsciously control the helicopter while dividing attention between the flight path and ground references, while still watching for other air traffic in the vicinity.


The factors and principles of drift correction that are involved in S-turns are also applicable in this maneuver. As in other ground track maneuvers, a constant radius around a point will, if any wind exists, require a constantly changing angle of bank and angles of wind correction. The closer the helicopter is to a direct downwind heading where the groundspeed is greatest, the steeper the bank, and the faster the rate of turn required to establish the proper wind correction angle. The more nearly it is to a direct upwind heading where the groundspeed is least, the shallower the bank, and the slower the rate of turn required to establish the proper wind correction angle. It follows, then, that throughout the maneuver, the bank and rate of turn must be gradually varied in proportion to the groundspeed.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn