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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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r.p.m. Adjust the collective, as necessary, in the turn to maintain rotor r.p.m. in the green arc.
At the 90° point, check the progress of your turn by glancing toward your landing area. Plan the second 90 degrees of turn to roll out on the centerline. If you are too close, decrease the bank angle; if too far out, increase the bank angle. Keep the helicopter in trim with anti-torque pedals.
The turn should be completed and the helicopter aligned with the intended touchdown area prior to passing through 100 feet AGL. If the collective pitch was increased to control the r.p.m., it may have to be lowered on roll out to prevent a decay in r.p.m. Make an immediate power recovery if the aircraft is not aligned with the touchdown point, and if the rotor

r.p.m. and/or airspeed is not within proper limits.
From this point, complete the procedure as if it were a straight-in autorotation.
Power failures in a hover, also called hovering autorotations, are practiced so that you automatically make the correct response when confronted with engine stoppage or certain other emergencies while hovering. The techniques discussed in this section refer to helicopters with a counter-clockwise rotor system and an antitorque rotor.
To practice hovering autorotations, establish a normal hovering altitude for the particular helicopter being used, considering load and atmospheric conditions. Keep the helicopter headed into the wind and hold maximum allowable r.p.m.
To simulate a power failure, firmly roll the throttle into the spring loaded override position, if applicable. This disengages the driving force of the engine from the rotor, thus eliminating torque effect. As the throttle is closed, apply proper antitorque pedal to maintain heading. Usually, a slight amount of right cyclic control is necessary to keep the helicopter from drifting to the left, to compensate for the loss of tail rotor thrust. However, use cyclic control, as required, to ensure a vertical descent and a level attitude. Leave the collective pitch where it is on entry.
Helicopters with low inertia rotor systems will begin to settle immediately. Keep a level attitude and ensure a vertical descent with cyclic control while maintaining heading with the pedals. At approximately 1 foot above the surface, apply upward collective pitch control, as necessary, to slow the descent and cushion the landing. Usually the full amount of collective pitch is required. As upward collective pitch control is applied, the throttle has to be held in the closed position to prevent the rotor from re-engaging.
Helicopters with high inertia rotor systems will maintain altitude momentarily after the throttle is closed. Then, as the rotor r.p.m. decreases, the helicopter starts to settle. When the helicopter has settled to approximately 1 foot above the surface, apply upward collective pitch control while holding the throttle in the closed position to slow the descent and cushion the landing. The timing of collective pitch control application, and the rate at which it is applied, depends upon the particular helicopter being used, its gross weight, and the existing atmospheric conditions. Cyclic control is used to maintain a level attitude and to ensure a vertical descent. Maintain heading with antitorque pedals.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn