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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Occasionally, the vertical speed indicator may be slightly out of calibration. This could result in the instrument indicating a slight climb or descent even when the helicopter is in level flight. If it cannot be readjusted properly, this error must be taken into consideration when using the vertical speed indicator for pitch control. For example, if the vertical speed indicator showed a descent of 100 f.p.m. when the helicopter was in level flight, you would have to use that indication as level flight. Any deviation from that reading would indicate a change in attitude. 

The airspeed indicator gives an indirect indication of helicopter pitch attitude. With a given power setting and pitch attitude, the airspeed remains constant. If the airspeed increases, the nose is too low and should be raised. If the airspeed decreases, the nose is too high and should be lowered. A rapid change in airspeed indicates a large change in pitch attitude, and a slow change in airspeed indicates a small change in pitch attitude. There is very little lag in the indications of the airspeed indicator. If, while making attitude changes, you notice some lag between control application and change of airspeed, it is most likely due to cyclic control lag. Generally, a departure from the desired airspeed, due to an inadvertent pitch attitude change, also results in a change in altitude. For example, an increase in airspeed due to a low pitch attitude results in a decrease in altitude. A correction in the pitch attitude regains both airspeed and altitude. 

The bank attitude of a helicopter is the angular relation of its lateral axis and the natural horizon. To maintain a straight course in visual flight, you must keep the lateral axis of the helicopter level with the natural horizon. Assuming the helicopter is in coordinated flight, any deviation from a laterally level attitude produces a turn. [Figure 12-13]

The attitude indicator gives a direct indication of the bank attitude of the helicopter. For instrument flight, the miniature aircraft and the horizon bar of the attitude indicator are substituted for the actual helicopter and the natural horizon. Any change in bank attitude of the helicopter is indicated instantly by the miniature aircraft. For proper interpretations of this instrument, you should imagine being in the miniature aircraft. If the helicopter is properly trimmed and the rotor tilts, a turn begins. The turn can be stopped by leveling the miniature aircraft with the horizon bar. The ball in the turn-and-slip indicator should always be kept centered through proper pedal trim.

The angle of bank is indicated by the pointer on the banking scale at the top of the instrument. [Figure 1214] Small bank angles, which may not be seen by observing the miniature aircraft, can easily be determined by referring to the banking scale pointer.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn