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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Prior to every takeoff, consideration must be given to a course of action should the takeoff become undesirable or unsafe. Mechanical failures, obstructions on the takeoff surface, and changing weather conditions are all factors that could compromise the safety of a takeoff and constitute a reason to abort. The decision to abort a takeoff should be definitive and made as soon as an unsafe condition is recognized. By initiating the abort procedures early, more time and distance will be available to bring the gyroplane to a stop. A late decision to abort, or waiting to see if it will be necessary to abort, can result in a dangerous situation with little time to respond and very few options available.
When initiating the abort sequence prior to the gyroplane leaving the surface, the procedure is quite simple. Reduce the throttle to idle and allow the gyroplane to decelerate, while slowly applying aft cyclic for aerodynamic braking. This technique provides the most effective braking and slows the aircraft very quickly. If the gyroplane has left the surface when the decision to abort is made, reduce the throttle until an appropriate descent rate is achieved. Once contact with the surface is made, reduce the throttle to idle and apply aerodynamic braking as before. The wheel brakes, if the gyroplane is so equipped, may be applied, as necessary, to assist in slowing the aircraft.
An accelerate/stop distance is the length of ground roll an aircraft would require to accelerate to takeoff speed and, assuming a decision to abort the takeoff is made, bring the aircraft safely to a stop. This value changes for a given aircraft based on atmospheric conditions, the takeoff surface, aircraft weight, and other factors affecting performance. Knowing the accelerate/stop value for your gyroplane can be helpful in planning a safe takeoff, but having this distance available does not necessarily guarantee a safe aborted takeoff is possible for every situation. If the decision to abort is made after liftoff, for example, the gyroplane will require considerably more distance to stop than the accelerate/stop figure, which only considers the ground roll requirement. Planning a course of action for an abort decision at various stages of the takeoff is the best way to ensure the gyroplane can be brought safely to a stop should the need arise.
For a gyroplane without a flight manual or other published performance data, the accelerate/stop distance can be reasonably estimated once you are familiar with the performance and takeoff characteristics of the aircraft. For a more accurate figure, you can accelerate the gyroplane to takeoff speed, then slow to a stop, and note the distance used. Doing this several times gives you an average accelerate/stop distance. When performance charts for the aircraft are available, as in the flight manual of a certificated gyroplane, accurate accelerate/stop distances under various conditions can be determined by referring to the ground roll information contained in the charts.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn