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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Stability augmentation systems reduce pilot workload by improving basic aircraft control harmony and decreasing disturbances. These systems are very useful when you are required to perform other duties, such as sling loading and search and rescue operations.
Helicopter autopilot systems are similar to stability augmentations systems except they have additional features. An autopilot can actually fly the helicopter and perform certain functions selected by the pilot. These functions depend on the type of autopilot and systems installed in the helicopter.
The most common functions are altitude and heading hold. Some more advanced systems include a vertical speed or indicated airspeed (IAS) hold mode, where a constant rate of climb/descent or indicated airspeed is maintained by the autopilot. Some autopilots have navigation capabilities, such as VOR, ILS, and GPS intercept and tracking, which is especially useful in IFR conditions. The most advanced autopilots can fly an instrument approach to a hover without any additional pilot input once the initial functions have been selected.
The autopilot system consists of electric actuators or servos connected to the flight controls. The number and location of these servos depends on the type of system installed. A two-axis autopilot controls the helicopter in pitch and roll; one servo controls fore and aft cyclic, and another controls left and right cyclic. A three-axis autopilot has an additional servo connected to the anti-torque pedals and controls the helicopter in yaw. A four-axis system uses a fourth servo which controls the collective. These servos move the respective flight controls when they receive control commands from a central computer. This computer receives data input from the flight instruments for attitude reference and from the navigation equipment for navigation and tracking reference. An autopilot has a control panel in the cockpit that allows you to select the desired functions, as well as engage the autopilot.
For safety purposes, an automatic disengage feature is usually included which automatically disconnects the autopilot in heavy turbulence or when extreme flight attitudes are reached. Even though all autopilots can be overridden by the pilot, there is also an autopilot disengage button located on the cyclic or collective which allows you to completely disengage the autopilot without removing your hands from the controls. Because autopilot systems and installations differ from one helicopter to another, it is very important that you refer to the autopilot operating procedures located in the Rotorcraft Flight Manual.
Heating and cooling for the helicopter cabin can be provided in different ways. The simplest form of cooling is ram air cooling. Air ducts in the front or sides of the helicopter are opened or closed by the pilot to let ram air into the cabin. This system is limited as it requires forward airspeed to provide airflow and also
VOR—Ground-based navigation system consisting of very high frequency omnidirectional range (VOR) stations which provide course guidance.
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn