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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Cones are concentrated around the center of the retina. They gradually diminish in number as the distance from the center increases. Cones allow you to perceive color by sensing red, blue, and green light.
Directly behind the lens, on the retina, is a small, notched area called the fovea. This area contains only a high concentration of cone receptors. When you look directly at an object, the image is focused mainly on the fovea. The cones, however, do not function well in darkness, which explains why you cannot see color as vividly at night as you can during the day. [Figure 13-3]

The rods are our dim light and night receptors and are concentrated outside the fovea area. The number of rods increases as the distance from the fovea increases. Rods sense images only in black and white. Because the rods are not located directly behind the pupil, they are responsible for much of our peripheral vision. Images that move are perceived more easily by the rod areas than by the cones in the fovea. If you have ever seen something move out of the corner of your eye, it was most likely detected by your rod receptors.
Since the cones do not function well in the dark, you may not be able to see an object if you look directly at it. The concentration of cones in the fovea can make a night blindspot at the center of your vision. To see an object clearly, you must expose the rods to the image. This is accomplished by looking 5° to 10° off center of the object you want to see. You can try out this effect on a dim light in a darkened room. When you look directly at the light, it dims or disappears altogether. If you look slightly off center, it becomes clearer and brighter. [Figure 13-4]
How well you see at night is determined by the rods in your eyes, as well as the amount of light allowed into your eyes. The wider the pupil is open at night, the better your night vision becomes.
The cones in your eyes adapt quite rapidly to changes in light intensities, but the rods do not. If you have ever walked from bright sunlight into a dark movie theater, you have experienced this dark adaptation period. The rods can take approximately 30 minutes to fully adapt to the dark. A bright light, however, can completely destroy your night adaptation and severely restrict your visual acuity.
There are several things you can do to keep your eyes adapted to the dark. The first is obvious; avoid bright lights before and during the flight. For 30 minutes before a night flight, avoid any bright light sources, such as headlights, landing lights, strobe lights, or flashlights. If you encounter a bright light, close one eye to keep it light sensitive. This allows you to see again once the light is gone. Light sensitivity also can be gained by using sunglasses if you will be flying from daylight into an area of increasing darkness.
Red cockpit lighting also helps preserve your night vision, but red light severely distorts some colors, and completely washes out the color red. This makes reading an aeronautical chart difficult. A dim white light or carefully directed flashlight can enhance your night reading ability. While flying at night, keep the instrument panel and interior lights turned up no higher than necessary. This helps you see outside visual references more easily. If your eyes become blurry, blinking more frequently often helps.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn