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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Risk Elements—The four components of a flight that make up the overall situation.
NTSB—National Transportation Safety Board.
landing areas, and surrounding obstacles. Weather is one element that can change drastically over time and distance. Imagine you are ferrying a helicopter cross country and encounter unexpected low clouds and rain in an area of rising terrain. Do you try to stay under them and “scud run,” or turn around, stay in the clear, and obtain current weather information?
Operation—The interaction between you as the pilot, your aircraft, and the environment is greatly influenced by the purpose of each flight operation. You must evaluate the three previous areas to decide on the desirability of undertaking or continuing the flight as planned. It is worth asking yourself why the flight is being made, how critical is it to maintain the schedule, and is the trip worth the risks? For instance, you are tasked to take some technicians into rugged mountains for a routine survey, and the weather is marginal. Would it be preferable to wait for better conditions to ensure a safe flight? How would the priorities change if you were tasked to search for cross-country skiers who had become lost in deep snow and radioed for help?
Examining NTSB reports and other accident research can help you to assess risk more effectively. For example, the accident rate decreases by nearly 50 percent once a pilot obtains 100 hours, and continues to decrease until the 1,000 hour level. The data suggest that for the first 500 hours, pilots flying VFR at night should establish higher personal limitations than are required by the regulations and, if applicable, apply instrument flying skills in this environment. [Figure 14-4]
Studies also indicate the types of flight activities that are most likely to result in the most serious accidents. The majority of fatal general aviation accident causes fall under the categories of maneuvering flight, approaches, takeoff/initial climb, and weather. Delving deeper into accident statistics can provide some important details that can help you to understand the risks involved with specific flying situations. For example, maneuvering flight is one of the largest single producers of fatal accidents. Fatal accidents, which occur during approach, often happen at night or in IFR conditions. Takeoff/initial climb accidents frequently are due to the pilot’s lack of awareness of the effects of density altitude on aircraft performance or other improper takeoff planning resulting in loss of control during, or shortly after takeoff. The majority of weather-related accidents occur after attempted VFR flight into IFR conditions.

It is important to point out the fact that being familiar with the decision-making process does not ensure that you will have the good judgment to be a safe pilot. The ability to make effective decisions as pilot in command depends on a number of factors. Some circumstances, such as the time available to make a decision, may be beyond your control. However, you can learn to recognize those factors that can be managed, and learn skills to improve decision-making ability and judgment.

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