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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Recovery to cruise flight speed is made by lowering the nose and increasing power. When the desired speed is reached, reduce power to the normal cruise power setting.
1 Improper entry technique.
2 Failure to establish and maintain an appropriate airspeed.
3 Excessive variations of altitude and heading when a constant altitude and heading are specified.
4 Use of too steep a bank angle.
5 Rough or uncoordinated control technique.

A gyroplane will descend at a high rate when flown at very low forward airspeeds. This maneuver may be entered intentionally when a steep descent is desired, and can be performed with or without power. An unintentional high rate of descent can also occur as a result
TYPICAL GYROPLANE Power Required & Power Available vs. Airspeed 

Rates of Climb & Descent at Full Throttle Minimum Level Flight Speed




of failing to monitor and maintain proper airspeed. In powered flight, if the gyroplane is flown below minimum level flight speed, a descent results even though full engine power is applied. Further reducing the airspeed with aft cyclic increases the rate of descent. For gyroplanes with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, this maneuver creates a very high pitch attitude. To recover, the nose of the gyroplane must lowered slightly to exchange altitude for an increase in airspeed.
When operating a gyroplane in an unpowered glide, slowing to below the best glide speed can also result in a high rate of descent. As airspeed decreases, the rate of descent increases, reaching the highest rate as forward speed approaches zero. At slow airspeeds without the engine running, there is very little airflow over the tail surfaces and rudder effectiveness is greatly reduced. Rudder pedal inputs must be exaggerated to maintain effective yaw control. To recover, add power, if available, or lower the nose and allow the gyroplane to accelerate to the proper airspeed. This maneuver demonstrates the importance of maintaining the proper glide speed during an engine-out emergency landing. Attempting to stretch the glide by raising the nose results in a higher rate of descent at a lower forward speed, leaving less distance available for the selection of a landing site.
1 Improper entry technique.
2 Failure to recognize a high rate of descent.
3 Improper use of controls during recovery.
4 Initiation of recovery below minimum recovery altitude.

Landings may be classified according to the landing surface, obstructions, and atmospheric conditions. Each type of landing assumes that certain conditions exist. To meet the actual conditions, a combination of techniques may be necessary.
The procedure for a normal landing in a gyroplane is predicated on having a prepared landing surface and no significant obstructions in the immediate area. After entering a traffic pattern that conforms to established standards for the airport and avoids the flow of fixed wing traffic, a before landing checklist should be reviewed. The extent of the items on the checklist is dependent on the complexity of the gyroplane, and can include fuel, mixture, carburetor heat, propeller, engine instruments, and a check for traffic.

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn