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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Using the loading graph [Figure 19-2], the moment/1000 of the pilot is found to be 9.1 pound-inches, and the passenger has a moment/1000 of 13.4 pound-inches.
Adding these figures, the total weight of the aircraft for this flight (without fuel) is determined to be 1,650 pounds with a moment/1000 of 176.4 pound-inches. [Figure 19-3]
 Weight  (pounds)  Moment� (lb.-in./1,000)
Basic Empty Weight�  1,315�  153.9�
Pilot�  175�  9.1�
Passenger�  160�  13.4�
Baggage�  0  0
Total Aircraft (Less Fuel)  1,650  176.4
Max Gross Weight = 1,800 lbs.  

Figure 19-3. Loading of the sample aircraft, less fuel.
The maximum gross weight for the sample aircraft is 1,800 pounds, which allows up to 150 pounds to be carried in fuel. For this flight, 18 gallons of fuel is deemed sufficient. Allowing six pounds per gallon of fuel, the fuel weight on the aircraft totals 108 pounds. Referring again to the loading graph [Figure 19-2], 108 pounds of fuel would have a moment/1000 of 11.9 pound-inches. This is added to the previous totals to obtain the total aircraft weight of 1,758 pounds and a moment/1000 of
188.3. Locating this point on the center of gravity envelope chart [Figure 19-4], shows that the loading is within the prescribed weight and balance limits.
The performance section of the flight manual contains data derived from actual flight testing of the aircraft. Because the actual performance may differ, it is prudent to maintain a margin of safety when planning operations using this data.
For this example, a gyroplane at its maximum gross weight (1,800 lbs.) needs to perform a short field takeoff due to obstructions in the takeoff path. Present weather conditions are standard temperature at a pressure altitude of 2,000 feet, and the wind is calm. Referring to the appropriate performance chart [Figure 19-5], the takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle is determined by entering the chart from the left at the pressure altitude of 2,000 feet. You then proceed horizontally to the right until intersecting the appropriate temperature reference line, which in this case is the dashed standard temperature line. From this point, descend vertically to find the total takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle. For the conditions given, this particular gyroplane would require a distance of 940 feet for ground roll and the distance needed to climb 50 feet above the surface. Notice that the data presented in this chart is predicated on certain conditions, such as a running takeoff to 30 m.p.h., a 50 m.p.h. climb speed, a
Running Takeoff to 30 MPH & Climb out at 50 MPH CAS� 

Pressure Altitude in Feet (x 1000)

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn