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时间:2011-04-05 11:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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1 right side skid/wheel down, since translating tendency adds to the rollover force.
2 right lateral center of gravity.

1 crosswinds from the left.
2 left yaw inputs.

For helicopters with clockwise rotor rotation, the opposite would be true.
When maneuvering with one skid or wheel on the ground, care must be taken to keep the helicopter cyclic control properly trimmed. For example, if a slow takeoff is attempted and the cyclic is not positioned and trimmed to account for translating tendency, the critical recovery angle may be exceeded in less than two seconds. Control can be maintained if you maintain proper cyclic position and trim, and not allow the helicopter’s roll and pitch rates to become too great. You should fly your helicopter into the air smoothly while keeping movements of pitch, roll, and yaw small, and not allow any untrimmed cyclic pressures.
Dynamic rollover is possible even during normal takeoffs and landings on relative level ground, if one wheel or skid is on the ground and thrust (lift) is approximately equal to the weight of the helicopter. If the takeoff or landing is not performed properly, a roll rate could develop around the wheel or skid that is on the ground. When taking off or landing, perform the maneuver smoothly and trim the cyclic so that no pitch or roll movement rates build up, especially the roll rate. If the bank angle starts to increase to an angle of approximately 5 to 8°, and full corrective cyclic does not reduce the angle, the collective should be reduced to diminish the unstable rolling condition.
During slope operations, excessive application of cyclic control into the slope, together with excessive collective pitch control, can result in the downslope skid rising sufficiently to exceed lateral cyclic control limits, and an upslope rolling motion can occur. [Figure 11-7]

When performing slope takeoff and landing maneuvers, follow the published procedures and keep the roll rates small. Slowly raise the downslope skid or wheel to bring the helicopter level, and then lift off. During landing, first touch down on the upslope skid or wheel, then slowly lower the downslope skid or wheel using combined movements of cyclic and collective. If the helicopter rolls approximately 5 to 8° to the upslope side, decrease collective to correct the bank angle and return to level attitude, then start the landing procedure again. 

The collective is more effective in controlling the rolling motion than lateral cyclic, because it reduces the main rotor thrust (lift). A smooth, moderate collective reduction, at a rate less than approximately full up to full down in two seconds, is adequate to stop the rolling motion. Take care, however, not to dump collective at too high a rate, as this may cause a main rotor blade to strike the fuselage. Additionally, if the helicopter is on a slope and the roll starts to the upslope side, reducing collective too fast may create a high roll rate in the opposite direction. When the upslope skid/wheel hits the ground, the dynamics of the motion can cause the helicopter to bounce off the upslope skid/wheel, and the inertia can cause the helicopter to roll about the downslope ground contact point and over on its side. [Figure 11-8]

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn