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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

detection /d.tek..n/ noun the dis-
covery of the presence of something detector /d.tekt./ noun a device for discovering the existence of something
. ice detector a device for detecting the presence of ice on the airframe . When ice forms on the vibrating rod ice detec-tor head, the probe frequency decreases.
deteriorate /d.t..ri.re.t/ verb to
become or make bad or worse . The electrolyte in the cells of a nickel-cad-mium battery does not chemically react with the plates and so the plates do not deteriorate. . deteriorating weather
worsening weather
deterioration /d.t..ri.re..(.)n/
noun worsening . a deterioration in the situation a worsening of the situa-tion
determination /d.tm.ne..(.)n/ noun 1. the act of finding out by calcu-lation . Structure design for a given safe life has led to the determination of the minimum number of flying hours which should pass before major failure occurs. 2. the strength of mind to do what is required . Determination was a major factor in the trainee passing his exams.
determine /d.tm.n/ verb 1. to find out by calculation . To determine the average age, divide the total number of years by the number of people. . When we wish to fly from one place to another, it is first necessary to determine the direction of the destination from the departure point. 2. to set or to fix pre-cisely . On a large transport aircraft, the safety of hundreds of passengers is involved, and regulations determine the minimum crew that must be carried.
detonation /det.ne..(.)n/ noun a
sudden, explosive burning of the air/fuel mixture . Prior to the accident, engine detonation could be heard by people on the ground.
COMMENT: Detonation imposes excessive loads on the pistons and other engine components, possibly causing engine damage and resulting in engine failure.

develop /d.vel.p/ verb 1. to come into being . Carburettor icing may develop in any type of carburettor in relatively warm air temperatures. . Vertical motion and therefore turbu-lence suggest that thunderstorms may develop. 2. to get bigger, to grow and change . During the day, light breezes may develop into strong winds.
development /d.vel.pm.nt/ noun
1. something new, made as an improve-ment on something older . Satellite navigation aids for light aircraft are a recent development. 2. growth and change . To study weather and its development, the meteorologist has to be aware of the horizontal changes in atmospheric pressure both in space and time.
deviate /divie.t/ verb to move away from the normal position or path . If the aircraft deviates beyond the normal ILS glide slope, the flight crew are alerted.
deviation /divie..(.)n/ noun 1. the process of moving away from the nor-mal position or path . On final approach, any deviation from the extended centreline of the runway should be corrected immediately. 2. a magnetic compass error in a particular aircraft caused by magnetic influences in the structure and equipment of the aircraft itself . Deviation is not a con-stant value but varies from one aircraft to another.

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