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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

identify /a.dent.fa./ verb to recog-nise . Crew members can be identified by their uniforms. . In conditions of poor visibility, it is sometimes difficult to identify ground features.
identity /a.dent.ti/ noun the name and details of a person, aircraft, etc. .
The air traffic controllers are trying to establish the identity of the aircraft. .
idle /a.d(.)l/ noun the state of an engine when it is running but not deliv-ering power to move the vehicle or air-craft . verb to turn over slowly without providing enough power to move the vehicle or aircraft . After starting a pis-ton engine from cold, it is good practice to allow it to idle for a short time before opening the throttle wide.
idle cut-off /a.d(.)l kt .f/ noun a
position on the mixture control of a

idle rpm 116
light aircraft which allows the engine to be shut down without leaving a com-bustible fuel/air mixture in the engine
idle rpm /a.d(.)l ɑ pi em/ noun
the speed at which a piston engine turns when it is not running fast enough to move the vehicle or aircraft, i.e. on a light aircraft when the throttle is almost closed
idling /a.d(.)l../ noun a state in which the engine is turning over slowly without providing enough power to move the vehicle or aircraft
idling speed /a.d(.)l.. spid/ noun
the rpm of the engine when it is idling .
After start-up, the engine accelerates up to idling speed. . Before the engine is stopped, it should normally be allowed to run for a short period at idling speed to ensure gradual cooling.
IF abbreviation 1. instrument flying 2.
intermediate frequency IFR abbreviation instrument flight rules
ignite /.na.t/ verb to burn or cause to burn . The spark plug ignites the fuel/air mixture. . The air/fuel mixture ignites.
igniter /.na.t./ noun a device for starting gas turbine engines . An elec-tric spark from the igniter plug starts combustion.
ignition /.n..(.)n/ noun 1. the start-ing of burning of a substance . Satisfac-tory ignition depends on the quality of the fuel. 2. the moment, in an internal combustion engine, when a spark from the spark plug causes the fuel/air mix-ture to burn . Ignition should occur just before top-dead-centre. 3. an electrical system, usually powered by a battery or magneto, that provides the spark to ignite the fuel mixture in an internal-combustion engine . Ignition problems are a source of many engine failures. 4.
a switch that activates the ignition sys-tem . the key is in the ignition the key is in its position in the ignition lock
ignition key /.n..(.)n ki/ noun a
key used to switch on the ignition
ignition lock /.n..(.)n l.k/ noun a
key-operated switch for activating the ignition circuit of an aircraft or a vehi-cle
illuminate /.lum.ne.t/ verb 1. to
give light to an otherwise dark area . A flare illuminates the ground below it. 2. to show a light or become bright . When the aircraft is 5 knots above stalling speed, a warning lamp illuminates.

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