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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

clear air turbulence /kl..r e. tbjυl.ns/ noun turbulence encoun-tered in air where no cloud is present
(NOTE: CAT is often associated with the jet stream.)
clearance /kl..r.ns/ noun 1. a space made to allow for the movement of hardware relative to other hardware .
clearance between rocker arm and valve tip 2. official permission . Obtain clearance for IFR flight. 3. the disap-pearance of something unwanted, often rain, fog or snow . Low temperatures caused a delay in the clearance of fog.
clearance limit /kl..r.ns l.m.t/
the point to which an aircraft is allowed to proceed when granted an air traffic control clearance
clear ice /kl..r a.s/ noun ice which is glass-like rather than white
clear pass /kl.. pɑs/ noun an
exam result which is in no doubt
clear to land /kl.. t. lnd/ noun
air traffic control permission to land climate /kla.m.t/ noun weather con-ditions particular to a given area . Med-iterranean climate . tropical climate .
temperate climate a type of climate which is neither very hot in summer nor very cold in winter. . continental
climatic /kla.mt.k/ adjective refer-
ring to climate or weather conditions particular to a given area . The aircraft forward speed and altitude as well as climatic conditions will influence the value of thrust.
climatic zone /kla.mt.k z.υn/
noun one of the eight areas of the Earth which have distinct climates
COMMENT: The climatic zones are: the two polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic); the boreal zone in the northern hemisphere, south of the Arctic; two temperate zones, one in

climatology 46
the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere; two subtropical zones, including the deserts; and the equatorial zone which has a damp tropical climate.

climatology /kla.m.t.l.di/ noun
the science of the study of climate .
Although pilots do not need to be experts in climatology, they should have a good understanding of the factors which produce changes in the weather.
climb /kla.m/ noun the act of increas-ing altitude by use of power . Fine pitch enables full engine speed to be used during take-off and climb. Opposite descent . verb to increase altitude by use of power . After take-off, the air-craft climbed to 5,000 ft. Opposite
descend climb-out /kla.maυt/ noun a flight after take-off from 35 feet to 1,500 feet during which undercarriage and flaps are retracted . Turn right after climb-out.
clockwise /kl.kwa.z/ adjective, adverb describing a circular movement in the same direction as the hands of a clock . a clockwise direction . The rel-ative bearing indicated is measured clockwise from the nose of the aircraft.
Opposite anticlockwise clog /kl./ verb to prevent movement of fluid through a pipe, etc., because of a build-up of solid matter . Most filters
allow unfiltered fluid to pass to the sys-tem when the filter becomes clogged. close /kl.υz/ verb to shut . Close the

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