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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

gram /rm/ noun a unit of measure-ment of weight, equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. Symbol g
graph /rɑf/ noun a diagram that shows a relationship between two sets of numbers as a series of points often joined by a line . The graph shows the relationship between lift and drag at various airspeeds.
graphic /rf.k/ adjective 1. .
graphic solution a technique of using geometric constructions to solve prob-lems . One side of the calculator has a moveable slide which is used for the graphic solution of triangle of velocities problems. 2. described in vivid detail . The eye witness provided a graphic description of the events leading to the accident. . noun a picture used in a computer application . The instructor’s worksheets were greatly improved by the incorporation of graphics to aid comprehension of the subject matter.
grasshopper /rɑsh.p./ noun a
light, unarmed military aeroplane used for reconnaissance
graticule /rt.kjul/ noun 1. a
series of fine lines in an optical instru-ment such as a telescope, used for measuring 2. the network of lines formed by the meridians and parallels of longitude and latitude of the Earth on a flat sheet of paper . A graticule of lines of latitude and longitude is imag-ined to cover the Earth.
gravity /rv.ti/ noun 1. a natural force of attraction which pulls bodies towards each other and which pulls objects on Earth towards its centre . In order for an aeroplane to fly, lift must overcome the force of gravity. 2. seri-ousness . Throughout the crisis caused by the engine failure, the passengers were unaware of the gravity of the situ-ation.
gravity feed /rv.ti fid/ noun a
feed which uses the force of gravity to move the fuel from the tank to the car-burettor
great /re.t/ adjective 1. large in size, quantity, number, etc. . great distances long distances . a great deal of money a large sum of money . great impor-tance enormous importance 2. very good, enjoyable or exciting
Greenwich Mean Time /ren.t. min ta.m/ noun local time on the Greenwich Meridian. Abbreviation
COMMENT: GMT is now called
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
and is also known as Zulu time. UTC is

107 guard
expressed in 24-hour format; for example, 7:00 P.M. is 1900 hours (say: nineteen hundred hours).
grid /r.d/ noun 1. a pattern of equally spaced vertical and horizontal lines, sometimes used on a map . Grid lines facilitate the quick location of a point of reference. 2. a metal cylinder in a cath-ode ray tube 3. a pattern of equally spaced vertical and horizontal metal rods or bars . Lead-antimony alloy grid plates are components in a lead-acid battery.
ground /raυnd/ noun the solid sur-face of the earth . Hail being much denser and heavier than snow, falls at a much faster rate and can reach the ground even with the 0° isotherm at 10,000 ft. . verb 1. to prohibit an air-craft or member of an aircrew from fly-ing . The pilot was grounded after fail-ing a medical examination. 2. US to connect an electrical circuit to a posi-tion of zero potential . While refuelling a light aircraft it is important to ground the airframe to prevent sparking caused by static electricity. (NOTE: To earth is preferred in British English.)

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