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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Abbreviation CRT cause /k.z/ noun something that makes something else happen, a reason
. If the ammeter shows a high state of charge after start up, it is quite normal and no cause for alarm. . verb to make something happen . Air in the fuel line can cause an engine to flame-out or stop.
caution /k..(.)n/ noun 1. advice or a warning to be careful . If a problem occurs in the spoiler system, a master caution light illuminates. 2. care . Pro-ceed with caution.
cavitation /kv.te..(.)n/ noun the formation of vapour-filled cavities or holes in liquids and gases, caused by low pressure or high speed . Most res-ervoirs are pressurised to provide a positive fluid pressure at the pump inlet and thus prevent cavitation and the for-mation of bubbles.
cavity /kv.ti/ noun a hole . De-
icing fluid flows into the cavity in the

41 centrifuge
distributor panels before passing through the porous steel outer skin.
CB abbreviation cumulonimbus
cc /si si/ abbreviation cubic centi-metres cd symbol candela CDI abbreviation course deviation indi-
cator cease /sis/ verb to stop . If fuel, oxy-gen or heat is removed from the fire tri-angle, combustion will cease.
ceiling /sil../ noun 1. the highest point 2. the greatest pressure height that can be reached . The aircraft has a ceil-ing of 50,000 ft.
celestial /s.lesti.l/ adjective refer-
ring to the sky . celestial navigation
navigation by using the stars in the sky cell /sel/ noun 1. a system of positive and negative plates for storage of elec-tricity that form a battery . A battery is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy and is made up of a number of cells. 2. the cen-tral part of a thunder cloud . The life cycle of the thunderstorm cell ends when the downdraughts have spread throughout the cloud.
Celsius /selsi.s/ noun a scale for measuring temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°. Symbol
C. Compare Fahrenheit
center /sent./ noun, verb US same as centre centerline /sent.la.n/ noun US
same as centreline centigrade /sent.re.d/ noun a
scale for measuring temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°. Symbol C. Compare Fahrenheit
centimetre /sent.mit./ noun a
measure of length that is equal to one hundredth of a metre (NOTE: 2.54 cm = 1 inch.)
central /sentr.l/ adjective located in the centre or in the middle . The control knob is moved from the central position.
Central Flow Management Unit (Brussels) /sentr(.)l fl.υ mn.dm.nt jun.t brs(.)lz/ noun a central agency in Brussels that is responsible for air traffic management throughout the area controlled by the ECAC
centralise /sentr.la.z/, centralize
verb to put into the centre or into the middle position . The operating jack centralises the control surface after the turn.
Central Standard Time /sentr.l stnd.d ta.m/ noun the time zone of the east-central part of the USA and Canada, 6 hours behind GMT

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