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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

CFI abbreviation chief flying instructor
CFMU abbreviation Central Flow Management Unit CFRP abbreviation carbon fibre rein-
forced plastic chalk /t..k/ noun a soft white lime-stone rock that may be used in powder form or as a shaped stick for writing with . Oil, which is trapped in the
defects, is absorbed by the chalk thus indicating their positions.
chamber /t.e.mb./ noun a small
enclosed compartment chandelle /.ndel/ noun a steep climbing turn in which an aircraft almost stalls as it uses momentum to increase its rate of climb
channel /t.n(.)l/ noun a special frequency band for the transmission of radio signals . The system operates on VHF communications between 118 and
135.95 MHz giving 360 channels at 50 kHz spacing.
character /kr.kt./ noun 1. a qual-ity or set of qualities which make some-thing different and separate from some-thing else . The circulation of the atmosphere is zonal in character. 2. an individual letter, number or symbol used in printing and writing
characterise /kr.kt.ra.z/, char-acterize verb . to be characterised by
to have qualities or features which make it different and separate from other things . The stratosphere is character-ised by a temperature structure which is steady or increases with height.
characteristic /kr.kt.r.st.k/
adjective typical of a class or group of things . a characteristic feature a nor-mal feature of the thing in question . noun a feature or quality making some-thing different or separate from some-thing else . Air masses have distinct characteristics which can be used to separate them on a chart. . handling characteristics features of an aircraft that make it different from other aircraft when handling it . summer character-istics climatic conditions which are typ-ical of summertime
charge /t.ɑd/ noun 1. an amount of electricity . Friction causes a charge of static electricity. . The battery was so old, it would not take a charge. . a high level of charge a high amount of elec-tricity 2. money demanded or paid for the providing of a service . overnight parking is free of charge it costs noth-ing to park overnight . verb 1. to pass electrical current through something and thereby make it electrically active .

43 circuit
An installed battery becomes fully charged by the aircraft generator.口
charged particles atmospheric parti-cles which have either a positive or neg-ative electrical charge 2. to take money for a service 0 We do not charge for overnight parking.
charger /'t.ɑ:d3./ noun口 battery charger device for putting an electrical charge into a battery.中 turbocharger
chart /t.ɑ:t/ noun a map for naviga-tional purposes 口 significant weather chart a weather chart with important weather information marked on it
chase plane /'t.e.s ple.n/ noun an
aircraft whose role is to escort another
aircraft or to photograph it check /t.ek/ noun an examination to make certain that something is as it should be 0 safety check 0 A check was made on the undercarriage and air-frame after the pilot reported a heavy landing.中 run _ verb to examine some-thing in order to find out if it is correct

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