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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

concentric /k.nsentr.k/ adjective
having the same centre . concentric circles circles of different diameters but with the same centre point
concept /k.nsept/ noun an idea or abstract principle . The concept of open skies is not one with which everybody agrees. . a complicated concept an idea or series of ideas or principles which are difficult to understand
concern /k.nsn/ noun 1. serious interest . a matter for concern some-thing which must be taken very seri-ously 2. responsibility . Attention to the welfare of passengers is the concern of the cabin crew. . Safety is everybody’s concern. . this is no concern of ours
this is nothing to do with us . verb 1. to cause somebody to feel worried . this report concerns me enormously I am not at all happy about this report 2. to be about or to be the subject of . If there is serious vibration, the crew should shut down the engine concerned. . this report concerns me this report is about me 3. to be of interest and relevance to
. the regulations concern all employ-ees the regulations apply to all employ-ees
‘…the correct storage and handling of cargo and especially dangerous goods is an area which is of considerable concern to the Federation’ [INTER PILOT]

concrete /k..krit/ noun a sub-stance made of cement, sand and water used in the construction of buildings, roads, etc. . Rock, sand and concrete reflect only 10–20% of radiation.
condensation /k.ndense..(.)n/
noun the process by which vapour changes into liquid . If the air becomes saturated, further cooling results in condensation. Opposite evaporation

condensation trail /k.nden
se..(.)n tre.l/ noun same as vapour
trail condense /k.ndens/ verb 1. to
change from vapour to liquid form .
The most common type of hygrometer is one in which a surface in contact with the atmosphere is cooled until moisture begins to condense on the surface.
Opposite evaporate 2. to remove unnecessary parts from a text to make it shorter . The synoptic code condenses information without loss of sense.
condenser /k.ndens./ noun an
electrical capacitor . The condenser prevents spark plugs from arcing.
condition /k.nd..(.)n/ noun 1. the present state of something . although the aircraft is old, it is in good condi-tion the aircraft is old but well cared for
2. the state of the surrounding atmos-phere . In a high relative humidity con-dition, the evaporation rate is low. .
abnormal weather conditions unusual or unfavourable weather . adverse weather conditions bad weather 3. cir-cumstances 4. something on which another thing depends . on condition that only if . the flight will depart on condition that the weather improves
the flight will depart only if the weather improves
conducive /k.ndjus.v/ adjective
favourable, which allows something to happen more easily . Atmospheric con-ditions conducive to the formation of ice are detected and these operate a warning system.

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