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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

fail safe system /fe.l se.f s.st.m/
noun a system or device which has in-built safeguards against total failure .
The term fail safe means that the struc-ture, though damaged, is capable of supporting a reasonable percentage of its design load.
failure /fe.lj./ noun 1. a stoppage or a breakdown . bearing failure . Engine failure is sometimes accompanied by fire. . power failure loss of engine power, or loss of electrical power sup-ply 2. the fact of not achieving the desired goal or result . the failure of an experiment . failure to do something not doing something . The steward’s failure to remain at his station made the
emergency situation worse. 3. the fact of not passing a course, a test, or an examination . His failure in the GFT (General Flying Test) meant that he didn’t finish the course.
fair /fe./ adjective 1. free of clouds or storms, clear and sunny . fair weather good weather 2. just, reasonable, free of favouritism or bias . a fair exam an exam which tested students on what they had been taught, was of reasonable difficulty and duration and which did not trick the candidates . it is fair to say that he should have done better it is reasonable to say that he should have done better . verb to join pieces so as to be smooth, even, or regular . The air-craft’s wing is faired into the fuselage.
fairing /fe.r../ noun a device to improve the flow of air over a surface .
There is a dorsal fairing at the base of the fin or vertical stabiliser. . Wheel fairings, called spats, are fitted to light aircraft to reduce drag. . spat, nacelle
fairly /fe.li/ adverb moderately, rather, quite . fairly high levels moder-ately high levels . fairly simple moder-ately simple
fall /f.l/ noun 1. a drop or lessening in amount . fall in pressure a drop in pressure 2. the amount of rain or snow which comes down at any one time . an overnight fall of snow 3. US autumn . verb 1. to become less in amount . atmospheric pressure is falling atmos-pheric pressure is decreasing 2. to be included within the range of something
. Aircraft fall into a number of type cat-egories. . Design methods fall into four groups. . Long-range high-frequency communications fall in the frequency bracket 2–25 MHz. 3. to drop or come down freely because of gravity . Light rain may fall occasionally. 4. to occur at a particular time . New Year’s Day falls on a Thursday this year. (NOTE: falling
– fell – fallen)
false /f.ls/ adjective not true, incor-rect . Lightning may cause false read-ings from sensitive instruments. . false glide path information incorrect glide path information

familiar 94
familiar /f.m.li./ adjective 1. often
seen, common . Clouds are the most familiar visible meteorological feature.
2. known . Symbols and abbreviations which are strange at present become familiar after a time. . to be familiar with to have some knowledge of some-thing . He is familiar with the proce-dure.

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