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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

gauge /e.d/ noun 1. an instrument for measuring or testing . temperature gauge . pressure gauge 2. a unit of

GCA 104
diameter or width . heavy gauge wire thick wire . verb calculate approxi-mately by using the senses . In fog, it is difficult to gauge horizontal distances.
(NOTE: gauging – gauged)
GCA abbreviation ground-control approach gear /../ noun 1. a toothed wheel that
turns with another toothed part to trans-mit motion or change speed or direction
2. . valve gear the mechanism for opening and closing valves 3. equip-ment and/or clothing
‘…as pilots, we understand the need for a convenient way to transport flight gear. That’s why we custom-designed this line of soft-sided flight bags in a variety of styles’ [Advertisement in Pilot]

gearbox /..b.ks/ noun a device to allow changes in the ratio of engine speed to final drive speed . The auxil-iary power unit (APU) is a small gas turbine engine which is connected to a gearbox.
GEM abbreviation ground-effect machine genera /den.r./ plural of genus general /den(.)r.l/ adjective con-
cerned with or applicable to a whole group of people or things . general description not a detailed description . general principles main ideas . gen-eral purpose switches all-purpose switches . general weather situation the overall weather picture without the detail . as a general rule usually . in general use used a lot

general aviation /den(.)r.l e.vi
e..(.)n/ noun all aviation other than commercial airlines or the military .
The number of GA aircraft stolen is down sharply since the general aviation community has taken steps to enhance security. Abbreviation GA
general flying test /den(.)r.l fla... test/ noun a test of aircraft-han-dling skills for student pilots. Abbrevia-tion GFT
generate /den.re.t/ verb 1. to
bring into being . In an emergency, it may be necessary for crew to generate a little panic in passengers to motivate them to move. 2. to produce something
such as heat or electricity as a result of a chemical or physical process . The passage of air around the wing gener-ates lift.
generation /den.re..(.)n/ noun
1. the act or process of creating or mak-ing . generation of ideas the process of producing or getting ideas . generation of electricity the production of electric-ity 2. a class of objects derived from an earlier class . a new generation of computers computers which share a recent development in computer tech-nology which separates them as a class from earlier computers
generator /den.re.t./ noun a
power-operated device for making elec-tricity . Starter generators are a combi-nation of a generator and a starter housed in one unit.
genus /din.s/ noun a class, group, or family . Various types of cloud are grouped into ten basic cloud genera.
(NOTE: The plural form is genera.) geographic /di.rf.k/, geo-graphical /di.rf.k(.)l/ adjective
referring to geography . a specific geo-graphical area . the north geographic pole

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