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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

impairment /.mpe.m.nt/ noun a
lessening of effectiveness . De-icing equipment is used to prevent impair-ment of the lifting surfaces through ice formation.
impart /.mpɑt/ verb to give, to pass on . A rotating propeller imparts rear-ward motion to a mass of air.
impedance /.mpid(.)ns/ noun total electrical resistance to current flow in an alternating current circuit . Imped-
ance will vary with changes in fre-quency.
impede /.mpid/ verb to hinder or obstruct progress . Hills and mountains impede the horizontal flow of air.
impeller /.mpel./ noun a rotor used to force a fluid in a particular direction importance /.mp.t(.)ns/ noun sig-nificance, strong effect or influence .
Upper winds are of great importance in meteorology. (NOTE: The expressions
of fundamental importance, of great importance, of prime importance, of utmost importance, of vital impor-tance all mean very important.)
import duty /.mp.t djuti/ noun
payment made to a government on par-ticular goods imported or exported . the duty payable on a carton of cigarettes
Also called customs duty, duty impose /.mp.υz/ verb 1. to force something upon a person or thing . The trimmer is used to ease the loads imposed on the flying controls during flight. 2. . to impose a fine to require somebody to pay a sum of money as
punishment . to impose restrictions to place limitations on somebody’s actions improve /.mpruv/ verb to make or
become better . Turbochargers improve aircraft performance. . The trainee’s flying skills improved a lot in a short period of time.
improvement /.mpruvm.nt/ noun
the process of becoming better, or something that makes a thing better .
An improvement in weather conditions enabled the flight to depart.
impulse /.mpls/ noun a force of short duration . A magneto is designed to produce electrical impulses one after another at precise intervals, so that each separate impulse can be used to provide a spark at a spark plug.
impulse magneto /.mpls m nit.υ/ noun a magneto with a mecha-nism to give a sudden rotation and thus produce a strong spark
inability /.n.b.l.ti/ noun the fact of being unable to do something
inactive /.nkt.v/ adjective not
switched on, in a passive state . At the

inadvertent 118
time of the accident the autopilot was inactive.
inadvertent /.n.dvt(.)nt/ adjec-tive not intended, not meant, accidental
. A safety mechanism prevents inad-vertent retraction of the undercarriage while the aircraft is on the ground.
inboard /.nb.d/ adverb closer to the centre of an aircraft rather than the sides or edges
inbound /.nbaυnd/ adverb, adjective
towards a destination . The aircraft flies outbound from the beacon along the airway and inbound to the facility at the other end of the leg. . inbound traffic
aircraft flying towards an airfield
incapacity /.nk.ps.ti/ noun the

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