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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

inability to do what is needed, not hav-ing the necessary power to do some-thing . crew incapacity an injury to a crew member which prevents him or her from performing his or her normal duties . Accident research has shown that crew incapacity greatly increases the risk to passengers’ safety.
inch /.n./ noun a British Imperial Sys-tem unit of length, also used in the US, equal to 25.4 millimetres or 2.54 centi-metres or 1/12 of a foot. Abbreviation
in (NOTE: The plural form is inches, usually written in or " with numbers, 5ft 6in or 5’ 6". Say five foot six inches.)
incidence /.ns.d(.)ns/ noun the fre-quency of occurrence . The incidence of structural failure has decreased with the introduction of modern construction materials and techniques.
incident /.ns.d(.)nt/ noun an event or happening which interrupts normal procedure . A violent passenger had to be removed from the aircraft before departure, and details of the incident were reported in the local newspapers.
‘…in 1995, a pilot flying above Las Vegas was struck by a laser beam and incapacitated for more than two hours. It was one of over fifty incidents involving lasers and aircraft reported in the area that year’ [Pilot]

inclination /.nkl.ne..(.)n/ noun a
slope or slant from the horizontal or vertical
incline /.nkla.n/ verb to slope or slant from the horizontal or vertical, to tilt . The runway inclines slightly upwards. . noun /.nkla.n/ a slope or slant . There is a steep incline at the end of the run-way.
inclinometer /.nkl.n.m.t./ noun
the lower part of a turn coordinator, in which a ball in a sealed curved tube indicates if a turn is coordinated. Also called rudder ball. . ball
include /.nklud/ verb to take in as a part, to count along with others . Solid particles in the atmosphere include dust, sand, volcanic ash and atmos-pheric pollution. . A fuel system includes tanks, fuel lines, fuel pumps, fuel filters and a carburettor or fuel injection system. Opposite exclude
inclusive /.nklus.v/ adjective tak-
ing in the extremes in addition to the part in between . bearings 180° to 270° inclusive bearings 180° and 270° are part of the range of bearings men-tioned
incoming /.nkm../ adjective
something which is being received, e.g. radio waves or solar radiation . incom-ing transmissions . incoming signal . There is a fall of temperature until about one hour after dawn when incom-ing solar radiation balances outgoing terrestrial radiation. Opposite outgo-ing
incorporate /.nk.p.re.t/ verb to
include as part of something which already exists . Some types of outflow valve incorporate safety valves. . Warning lamps often incorporate a press-to-test facility.
‘…the instrument panel on the Mooney Encore has been re-engineered to incorporate improvements’ [Civil Aviation Training]

incorrect /.nk.rekt/ adjective not
correct, not right . If the trim position is incorrect, a warning horn will sound when number three thrust lever is advanced.

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