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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

account 4
said in the instructions . according to modern navigational equipment is requirements as required much greater than older systems.
account /.kaυnt/ noun . to take something into account to remember something and consider it carefully .
When planning a flight, wind speed and direction must be taken into account. . In the event of an in-flight emergency, the aircraft should be landed at the nearest suitably equipped airport, tak-ing into account fuel available. . on no account under no circumstances, never
. On no account should anybody fly an aircraft without carrying out pre-flight checks.
account for /.kaυnt f./ verb 1. to
make up or constitute . Kevlar and car-bon fibre account for a large percentage of the materials used in modern air-craft. 2. to provide the main reason for something . High humidity accounted for the longer take-off run.
accrete /.krit/ verb to increase in amount by slow external addition, to accumulate . ice accretes on the rotor ice builds up on the rotor
accretion /.kri.(.)n/ noun increase or accumulation by slow external addi-tion . Ice accretion can cause loss of lift and significantly increase the weight of the aircraft.
accumulate /.kjumjυle.t/ verb to
collect and increase . Due to katabatic effects, cold air flows downwards and accumulates over low ground.
accumulation /.kjumjυle..(.)n/
noun the collection and increase of something . Fire in a toilet could present difficulties due to the confined space and possible smoke accumula-tion.
accumulator /.kjumjυle.t./ noun
1. a device for storing energy in hydrau-lic systems . An accumulator is fitted to store hydraulic fluid. 2. an electric cir-cuit in a calculator or computer, in which the results of arithmetical and logical operations are formed
accuracy /kjυr.si/ noun 1. the
state of being correct . to check for accuracy to make certain that the result is correct 2. the ability to find, hit or show things correctly . The accuracy of
accurate /kjυr.t/ adjective 1. cor-
rect . Skill in accurate flying can only be achieved by practice. . accurate results results which are exactly correct
2. precise . This watch is very accurate. ACFT abbreviation aircraft achieve /.t.iv/ verb 1. to manage to
do something demanding . In order to achieve a safe landing in a crosswind, the correct techniques must be used. 2. to obtain . In wind shear conditions, a fly-by-wire system allows the pilot to achieve maximum lift by pulling hard back on the stick without risk of a stall.
achievement /.t.ivm.nt/ noun
something difficult that somebody suc-ceeds in doing and feels proud about .
For most trainee pilots, making their first solo flight is a great achievement.
acid /s.d/ noun a chemical sub-stance which reacts with a base to form a salt . sulphuric acid (H2SO4) (NOTE: An acid turns a litmus indicator red and has a sour taste.)

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