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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

COMMENT: Anoxia is a complete lack
of oxygen and can, of course, be fatal.
Hypoxia is a lack of sufficient oxygen, the symptoms of which are sometimes difficult to detect.
antenna /.n'ten./ noun US same as aerial anti-/.nti/ prefix against, opposing 0
anti-icing 0 anticlockwise 0 anti-corro-sion
anticipate /.n't.s.pe.t/ verb to real-ise what is likely happen and do what is necessary in readiness 口 during take-offs, pilots should anticipate an engine failure pilots should think ahead and be ready to act immediately if an engine fails during take-off
anticipation /.n,t.s.'pe.. (.)n/ noun
a state in which you realise what is likely to happen and do what is neces-sary in readiness
anticipation of landmarks /.n,t.s.pe.. (.)n .v 'l.ndmɑ:ks/ noun the action of watching out for landmarks, which you know from flight planning should be visible at a particular stage of a flight
anticlockwise /,.nti'kl.kwa.z / adjective, adverb referring to a circular movement in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock 0 Turn the nut anti-clockwise to loosen it. Opposite clock-wise

anti-collision /,.nti k.'l.3(.)n/
adjective helping to prevent collisions
anti-collision light /, .nti k. 'l.3(.)n la.t/ noun a flashing white light on an aircraft
anti-corrosion /,.nti k.'r.υ3 (.)n/
adjective protecting against corrosion, especially rust 0 an anti-corrosion treatment
anticyclone /,.nti'sa.kl.υn /
an area of high atmospheric pressure, usually associated with fine dry weather in summer and fog in winter 0 Winds circulate round an anticyclone clock-wise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemi-sphere.
anti-icing /,.nti 'a.s../ adjective
preventing icing 0 anti-icing additive
anti-icing fluid /,.nti 'a.s..,flu:.d /
noun a fluid which prevents icing

anti-skid 20
anti-skid /nti sk.d/ adjective
designed to prevent skidding anvil /nv.l/ noun a metal block which ends in a point, has a rounded bottom and a flat top, and on which horseshoes, etc., are made . A cumulo-nimbus cloud has a characteristic anvil shape.
anvil cloud /nv.l klaυd/ noun a
cloud, usually a large dark thunder-cloud, which has the shape of an anvil
A/P abbreviation 1. airport 2. autopilot
apart /.pɑt/ adverb separated from one another . The jets were only 200 feet apart, vertically.
aperture /p.t../ noun an opening
. Any aperture or cut-out in the fuse-lage structure must be specially strengthened.
APHAZ abbreviation aircraft proxim-ity hazard
APP abbreviation 1. approach 2. approach control
apparent /.pr.nt/ adjective 1.
obvious, clear . It became apparent that carbon monoxide was entering the cabin. . from the above, it will be apparent that … from the above, it will be clear that … 2. seeming or appearing to be . an apparent failure of the system . The ILS showed an appar-ent deflection to the right.

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