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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

houses the float floatplane /fl.υtple.n/ noun a sea-plane that has hollow structures attached underneath its wings and sometimes its fuselage on which it floats so that the main body of the plane is not in contact with the water. Com-pare flying boat
flow /fl.υ/ verb 1. to move or run smoothly with continuity, as a fluid .
Air flows over the wing surfaces and lift is produced. 2. to circulate . Liquid coolant flows around the engine. . noun
continuous movement in a particular direction . The flow of fuel from the fuel tanks to the engines.

99 fog
flowmeter /fl.υmit./ noun a device for measuring the flow of a liquid or gas
. The oxygen flowmeter should blink once for each breath.
fluctuate /flkt.ue.t/ verb to vary or change irregularly . The magnetic field will fluctuate at the supply frequency.
fluid /flu.d/ noun a substance which is not solid, whose molecules move freely past one another and that takes the shape of its container . de-icing fluid a liquid for removing ice
fluorescent /flυ.res(.)nt/ adjective
referring to the emission of electromag-netic radiation of visible light . The flu-orescent penetrant process of flaw detection uses a penetrant containing a fluorescent dye which fluoresces in ultra-violet light.
fly /fla./ verb to move through the air or to cause an aircraft to move through the air in a controlled manner . An aero-plane may not fly over a city below such a height as would allow it to alight in the event of an engine failure. . He’s learning to fly. (NOTE: flying – flew – flown) . to fly in formation to fly as a group which maintains a particular pat-tern or arrangement in the air
fly-by-wire /fla. ba. wa../ noun
technology which interprets move-ments of the pilot’s controls and, with the aid of computerised electronics, moves the control surfaces accordingly
. Using fly-by-wire technology, the stalling angle cannot be exceeded regardless of stick input. . The more reliable and quick fly-by-wire system allows a much greater degree of flexi-bility with aircraft stability.
COMMENT: Fighters like the General Dynamics F16 and large transport aircraft such as the Boeing 777 and Airbus A320 have fly-by-wire systems.
flying /fla.../ noun the act of making an aircraft move through the air in a controlled manner
flying boat /fla... b.υt/ noun a sea-plane with a body that acts like a boat’s hull and allows the plane to float on water. Compare floatplane

flying conditions /fla... k.n
d..(.)nz/ plural noun the weather and its suitability for flying
flying controls /fla... k.ntr.υlz/
plural noun the yoke or control column, rudder pedals and other devices used by the pilot in order to manoeuvre the air-craft
flying field /fla... fild/ noun a
small airfield from which light aircraft can operate
flying instructor /fla... .n strkt./ noun a trained person, a pilot, who teaches people how to fly an air-craft

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