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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

accident /'.ks.d(.)nt/ noun 1.
something which happens which seems to have no cause 口 it was an accident nobody planned that it should happen or deliberately caused it to happen 口 by accident by chance 口 we met by acci-dent we met by chance 2. an unfortu-nate or harmful event, something caus-ing damage 0 An accident must be reported. 0 The flight attendant was injured in the accident.
‘Mr Skidmore lost both in an accident while serving in the army as a young man, and is believed to be the first pilot in the UK – and possibly the world – to go solo with two artificial arms’ [Pilot]
accidental /,.ks.'dent (.)l/ adjective
1. happening by accident, not deliberate or planned 0 There is a safety device to prevent accidental retraction of the undercarriage. 2. relating to an acci-dent, or happening as a result of an acci-dent 0 We were told of his accidental death.

accompanied /.'kAmp(.)nid/
adjective found together with口 accom-panied luggage luggage which belongs to one of the passengers and is carried
on the same aircraft. 中 unaccompanied accompany /.'kAmp(.)ni/ verb to go together with something else
Engine failure is sometimes accompa-nied by fire.口 Mr Smith was accompa-nied by his wife and children on the flight to New York Mr Smith’s wife and children were with him on the flight
accomplish /.'kAmpl../ verb (in for-mal technical texts) to do something 0
Feathering is accomplished by moving the pilot’s control lever. 0 Retraction of the undercarriage is accomplished by electrical power.口 to accomplish a task to successfully finish doing some-thing demanding 0 She was the first woman to accomplish the feat in a sin-gle-engined aircraft.

accomplishment /.'kAmpl..m.nt/
noun 1. an achievement 0 Charles Lind-bergh’s flight across the Atlantic in May 1927 was a great accomplishment. 2. (in physics) work done 0 Power is meas-ured by units of accomplishment corre-lated with time.
accordance /.'k.:d(.)ns/ noun口 in
accordance with in agreement with or following something such as rules, instructions or laws 0 Fuels must be used in accordance with instructions.口
in accordance with Buys Ballot’s Law
as described by Buys Ballot’s Law
‘…use full heat whenever carburettor heat is applied, partial hot air should only be used if an intake temperature gauge is fitted and only then in accordance with the Flight Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook’ [Civil Aviation Authority, General Aviation Safety Sense Leaflet]
accordingly /.'k.:d..li/ adverb as
needed 0 Check for increasing manifold pressure and reduce power accordingly.
according to /.'k.:d.. tu:/ preposi-tion 1. as determined by or in relation to
0 The force exerted by the pilot on the control column will vary according to a number of factors. 2. as written or said by somebody else 0 According to the copilot, engine vibration was detected in engine number one. 3. in agreement with something, e.g. instructions, etc.口 according to instructions exactly as

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