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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

insertion /.ns.(.)n/ noun the act of putting in or into . There is a space on the form for the insertion of a postal address. . When the contours for a par-ticular pressure level have been drawn in, the chart is completed by insertion of spot temperatures and wind speed information.
insignificant /.ns.n.f.k.nt/
adjective not important, of no conse-quence . Minor changes in wind speed or direction are insignificant.
inspect /.nspekt/ verb to look at something closely and to check for problems or defects . Propellers should be inspected prior to flight.
inspection /.nspek.(.)n/ noun a
careful check for problems . Before flight, the pilot should carry out a care-ful inspection of the aircraft.
instability /.nst.b.l.ti/ noun a con-dition in which a body or mass moves easily, and with increasing speed, away from its original position . Atmospheric instability often results in strong verti-cal currents of air. . The built-in insta-bility of some modern fighter aircraft makes them highly manoeuvrable but difficult to control without fly-by-wire technology.
install /.nst.l/ verb to put in posi-tion, connect and make ready for use .
Most carburettors are installed in a warm position to help against icing. .
installed battery a battery in position in the aircraft
installation /.nst.le..(.)n/ noun 1.
the act of putting equipment or devices into position and connecting them for use . The installation of the computer took three hours. 2. equipment or devices which are installed . In some auxiliary-power-unit installations the air intake area is protected against ice formation by bleeding a supply of hot air from the compressor over the intake surfaces.
instance /.nst.ns/ noun an example which is used to provide evidence of something . Failure to check fuel levels before take-off is an instance of bad air-manship. . for instance e.g.
instant /.nst.nt/ adjective immedi-ate, happening immediately . noun a very short period of time . The pilot has to act in an instant to counteract the severe downdraughts of a microburst.
instinctive /.nst..kt.v/ adjective
natural, rather than thought-out . In most modern light aircraft, use of the trim wheel is instinctive, i.e. forwards for nose down and backwards for nose up.
instruct /.nstrkt/ verb to give infor-mation or knowledge, usually in a for-mal setting such as a lesson or briefing
. The safety officer instructs employees on the use of the breathing equipment. . The training captain instructs trainee pilots in the simulator.
instruction /.nstrk..n/ noun 1. the
act of giving information or knowledge, usually in a formal setting such as a les-son or briefing . Trainees receive first-aid instruction. 2. information on how something should be operated or used .
You must follow the instructions.
instruction manual /.nstrk..n mnju.l/ noun a book containing information on how something should be operated or used
instructor /.nstrkt./ noun a person who gives information or knowledge, usually in a formal setting such as a les-son or briefing
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