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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

. He demanded an explanation.
demonstrate /dem.nstre.t/ verb to
show by clear example or explanation .
Torricelli first demonstrated that the atmosphere has weight. . It will be demonstrated in chapter 12 that turbu-lence is associated with strong winds.
demonstration /dem.nstre..(.)n/
noun a clear, often visual, description or explanation . Your instructor will give a demonstration of the stall-recovery technique.
dense /dens/ adjective 1. referring to a substance which is closely compacted
. dense fog thick fog 2. referring to the amount of mass of a substance for a given unit of volume . Air which con-tains water vapour is less dense than air which does not.
density /dens.ti/ noun a quantity of mass for a given unit of volume . air density
density altitude /dens.ti lt.tjud/ noun the pressure altitude corrected for non-ISA temperature
COMMENT: Density altitude is a very important factor in calculating aircraft performance because of its effect on engine performance, time to reach takeoff speed (and therefore length of take-off run) and rate of climb.

density error 68
density error /dens.ti er./ noun a
correction to airspeed to give true air-speed
DEP abbreviation departure message depart /d.pɑt/ verb to leave . The flight departs at 0200 GMT. Opposite
arrive department /d.pɑtm.nt/ noun a
separate part of a complex whole, espe-
cially of an organisation departure /d.pɑt../ noun 1. the act of leaving . departure time the time when an aircraft becomes airborne 2. the distance between two meridians at any given latitude
departure lounge /d.pɑt.. laυnd/ noun a room at an airport where passengers wait to board their aircraft

departure point /d.pɑt.. p..nt/
noun a place on the map representing the place from which a flight begins
departures /d.pɑt..z/ noun the
part of an airport that deals with passen-
gers who are leaving depend /d.pend/ verb 1. to be con-trolled or affected entirely by some-thing . Whether or not an object can be seen by aircrew at a given distance will depend on factors such as size, shape and colour of the object. . If an aircraft ditches in the sea, early rescue depends on rapid location of survivors. 2. to rely on . Pilots depend on air traffic con-trollers to help them conduct a safe flight.
dependable /d.pend.b(.)l/ adjec-tive reliable, trustworthy . Mercury barometers have largely been replaced by precision aneroid barometers which are smaller, simpler to use, and more dependable.
dependent /d.pend.nt/ adjective
relying on or unable to do without something . The height indicated by an altimeter is dependent on the pressure which is set on the sub-scale.
deploy /d.pl../ verb to come into action, to become ready to be used .
Slide rafts are door-mounted and auto-matically deploy and inflate when the door is opened in the armed position.
deposit /d.p.z.t/ noun a layer of collected matter on a surface . A deposit of ice crystals causes the air-craft surfaces to change their aerody-namic characteristics. . Wheel brakes should be inspected for snow or ice deposits.

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