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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

approach /.pr.υt./ noun 1. a path towards something . The approach to the terminal was blocked by an over-turned lorry. 2. the descent of an air-craft towards the place where it intends to land. Abbreviation APP 3. a way of achieving or doing something . to take a different approach to a situation to deal with or to manage a situation in a different way . verb 1. to move nearer in place or time to something . The air-craft is approaching a danger area. .
nightfall is approaching it will soon be dark 2. to have a particular mental atti-tude towards something . He approaches his studies with great enthusiasm. 3. to speak to or get in touch with somebody . You must approach the chief flying instructor regarding your request for a week’s hol-iday.

approach control /.pr.υt. k.n
tr.υl/ noun a control station in an air traffic control centre that guides an air-craft while it is making its approach
approach monitoring aid /. pr.υt. m.n.t.r.. e.d/ noun an instrument or system that helps an air traffic controller to track the position and movements of an aircraft during its approach. Abbreviation AMA

approach path /.pr.υt. pɑθ/
noun the course taken by the aircraft in
preparation for landing approach plate noun a document issued by an aviation authority which provides detailed information about how to land at a given airport in very poor visibility
approach to land /.pr.υt. t. lnd/ noun the final stage of the flight when the aircraft is manoeuvred into position, relative to the landing area, in preparation for landing . on the
approach to land, the aircraft reduces speed and height
appropriate /.pr.υpri.t/ adjective
suitable or needed . appropriate action the action that is needed to deal with the situation

appropriately /.pr.υpri.tli/
adverb in a way that it is suitable or nec-essary . to adjust the mixture appro-priately to adjust the mixture to suit the conditions
approval /.pruv(.)l/ noun permis-sion or agreement . with the captain’s approval with the permission of the captain . to meet with the approval to be approved by . The management’s plans for restructuring the airline met with the approval of the shareholders.
approve /.pruv/ verb 1. to allow or agree to something . The air traffic con-troller approved the emergency land-ing. 2. . to approve of to believe some-thing to be right or good . Nearly everybody approved of the new colour scheme for the furnishings. . he doesn’t approve of women being air-line pilots he believes that it is wrong for women to be airline pilots
approx /.pr.ks/ same as approxi-mate, approximately approximate adjective /.
pr.ks.m.t/ not exact, around or about
. an approximate distance of 60 nm
about 60 nautical miles . verb /.
pr.ks.me.t/ to be close to, to be around (NOTE: Approximate can be shortened to approx or APRX (ICAO).)

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