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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

convertible /k.nvt.b(.)l/ adjec-tive possible to change easily, e.g. to fit in with a new system or set of standards
. The statute mile, unlike the nautical mile, is not readily convertible into terms of angular measurements.
convey /k.nve./ verb to carry or move from one place to another . A large number of tubes convey the cool-ing medium through the matrix. . Buses are used to convey passengers from the aircraft to the terminal building. . to convey information to pass informa-tion from one person to another, or from one place to another
cool /kul/ adjective a little cold . cool weather weather which is not hot, warm nor very cold . verb to become or cause to become less hot . The airflow
is used to cool the oil. . air-cooled coolant /kul.nt/ noun a substance, usually liquid, used to cool something such as an engine . radiator coolant . The coolant is sprayed into the combus-tion chamber inlet.
cooler /kul./ noun a device for cool-ing . A self-contained system, consist-ing of an oil tank, pump, filter, cooler, and oil jets, lubricates the auxiliary power unit.
cooling /kul../ noun the action of making something cool . the cooling of the oil by the airflow . adjective reduc-ing the temperature of something . cooling medium a substance which reduces the temperature of another sub-stance or material
coordinate /k.υ.d.n.t/ verb 1. to
bring together the various parts of a pro-cedure or plan to ensure that the opera-tion works correctly . It is the task of air traffic controllers to coordinate the movement of traffic in and out of a ter-minal. 2. to make different parts of the body work well together . During a hover, helicopter pilots must be able to coordinate movements of both hands and feet.

coordinated flight /k.υ.d.ne.t.d
fla.t/ noun flight, especially during turns, in which the horizontal and verti-cal forces acting on the aircraft are in balance . In coordinated flight, the ball in the turn coordinator will be in the centre.
COMMENT: The ball in the balance indicator of the turn coordinator shows the pilot if the aircraft is in coordinated flight or if it is slipping or skidding. When the ball moves to the left the pilot should apply left rudder pedal pressure, if the ball moves to the right, the pilot should apply right rudder pedal pressure.

Coordinated Universal Time
/k.υ.d.ne.t.d jun.vs(.)l ta.m/ noun time used in aviation based on the 24-hour clock format. . GMT
coordinates /k.υ.d.n.ts/ plural noun values used to locate a point on a graph or a map . The airfield can be seen on the map at coordinates B:12.

59 corrode
coordination /k.υ.d.ne..(.)n/ noun 1. the process of bringing together the various parts of a procedure or plan to ensure that it works correctly . A res-cue coordination centre is set up to con-trol the emergency. 2. the ability to use different parts of the body together well
. A pilot must have good hand/eye coordination.

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