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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

cabin environment noun the condi-tions inside the aircraft cabin, including the temperature, the space, the colour scheme, the seating arrangements, etc.

cabin pressure /kb.n pre../
noun the pressure of air inside the cabin which allows people to breathe nor-mally at high altitudes
cabin pressurisation /kb.n pre..ra.ze..(.)n/ noun the mainte-nance of an acceptable atmospheric pressure in an aircraft while flying at high altitude . At 35,000 ft (feet) pas-sengers can breathe freely because of cabin pressurisation.
cable /ke.b(.)l/ noun 1. thick metal wire . control cables thick metal wire linking the pilot’s cockpit controls to control surfaces such as the elevators and ailerons 2. a thick metal wire used for electrical connections . Earth return is by cable to the negative pole of the battery.
cabotage /kb.tɑ/ noun the right of a country to operate internal air traf-fic with its own airlines and not those of other countries
calculate /klkjυle.t/ verb to find out an answer to a problem by working with numbers . The total flight fuel can be calculated by multiplying the time of the flight by kilograms of fuel per hour.
calculation /klkjυle..(.)n/ noun
an act of finding out an answer to a problem by working with numbers

calculation of fuel required
/klkjυle..(.)n .v fju.l r.kwa..d/ noun an arithmetic estimation of fuel needed by using time, distance and fuel-consumption factors
calculator /klkjυle.t./ noun an
electronic machine for making calcula-tions . Students are not allowed to use calculators in the examination.
calibrate /kl.bre.t/ verb to adjust the scale or graduations on a measuring instrument or gauge . The international standard atmosphere is used to cali-brate pressure altimeters.
calibrated airspeed /kl.bre.t.d e.spid/ noun indicated airspeed cor-rected for instrumentation and installa-tion errors. Abbreviation CAS
calibration /kl.bre..(.)n/ noun
the adjusting of the scale or graduations

call button 38
on a measuring instrument or gauge .
The international standard atmosphere is used for the calibration of instru-ments.
call button /k.l bt(.)n/ noun a
button, often on the arm of a passenger seat, which can be pushed when you need help from an attendant
callsign /k.lsa.n/ noun a series of words and/or letters and/or numbers used to identify an aircraft or station . The aircraft’s callsign is ‘College 23’. . VOR stations transmit a two or three letter aural Morse callsign.
calorie /kl.ri/ noun the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C, equal to 4.186 joules . After 2 calories have been released the temperature will have risen 2 degrees i.e. to 0°C, and so the freezing process ceases temporarily. Abbrevia-tion cal
calorific /kl.r.f.k/ adjective refer-
ring to calories . calorific value the heat produced by the complete burning of a given amount of fuel . The calorific value of a fuel is an expression of the heat or energy content released during combustion.

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