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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

angle of incidence /.(.)l .v
.ns.d(.)ns/ noun the angle formed between the chord-line of the main-plane and the horizontal when the air-craft is in the rigging position
angle of inclination /.(.)l .v .nkl.ne..(.)n/ noun the angle formed between a sloping path or surface and a reference point or line which is either horizontal or vertical . Between any two meridians there is an angle of incli-nation one to the other which varies with latitude.
angular /.jυl./ adjective refer-ring to or forming an angle . The angu-lar difference between the direction of magnetic north and compass north is called variation.
anneal /.nil/ verb to heat and allow to cool slowly in order to strengthen .
Sheet and plate magnesium are annealed at the rolling mill.
annotate /n.te.t/ verb to add notes to an existing document, book, chart, etc. . He annotated his report after he was asked to give the exact time of the incident. . Variation is annotated east or west according to the direction of change.
annotation /n.te..(.)n/ noun the act of adding notes to a document, book, chart, etc., or the notes added

19 anti-icing fluid
announce /.'naυns/ verb to state something publicly or officially 0 Brit-ish Airways announce the departure of flight BA152 to New York.

announcement /.'naυnsm.nt/
noun a public statement 0 The captain made a public address (PA) system announcement asking passengers to remain seated.
annual /'.nju.l/ adjective 1. happen-ing once a year 口 annual inspection an inspection that happens once a year 2. over a period of one year 0 Overload operations should not exceed 5% of annual departures.
annular /'.njυl./ adjective shaped like a ring
annunciation /.nAnsi'e..(.)n/ noun
an announcement or indication on the annunciator panel口 failure annuncia-tion signals on the annunciator panel indicating the failure of a system
annunciator /.'nAnsie.t./ a
device which gives off a sound or light to indicate which of several electrical circuits is active An annunciator panel may contain a precise warning.
anode /'.n.υd/ noun a positive pole or electrode 0 The positive connector of a battery is usually called the anode and is indicated by the sign +.
anodise /'.n.da.z/, anodize verb to
coat or cover by using electrolysis 0
Anti-corrosion treatment includes the anodizing of aluminium parts.
anomalous /.'n.m.l.s/ adjective
referring to something unusual, unex-pected or otherwise departing from what is the normal order or range口 an anomalous instrument reading an unusual instrument reading which may require further investigation
anomaly /.'n.m.li/ noun something unusual, unexpected or otherwise not within the normal order or range 0 Any anomalies in the localiser will be detected during calibration.
anoxia /.'n.ksi./ noun a state in which no oxygen reaches the body tis-sues, resulting in death.中 hypoxia

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