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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

3. to be completely over something so as to hide what is underneath . The area is covered in snow. . noun something which goes over something else com-pletely . cloud cover the amount of cloud . snow cover a situation in which there is a layer of snow on top of the earth so that the earth cannot be seen
coverage /kv(.)r.d/ noun 1. the amount of space or time given to a sub-ject, an event, etc. . More complete cov-erage of the one-in-sixty rule is given in the plotting section of these notes. 2. the area within which a radar unit can detect objects . glidepath coverage . localiser coverage
cowl /kaυl/ noun a covering usually made up of hinged or removable panels
. cowl flap a removable or hinged panel of a cowl . Further cooling can be obtained by the use of controllable cowl flaps which regulate the amount of air flowing across the cylinders.
cowling /kaυl../ noun a covering usually made up of hinged or removable panels . Access to the engine compart-ment is normally via hinged cowling panels.
CPL abbreviation Commercial Pilot’s Licence

61 cross-pointer indicator
crab /krb/ noun a manoeuvre in which an aircraft is steered slightly into a crosswind to compensate for flying slightly off course . verb to steer an air-craft slightly into a crosswind to com-pensate for flying slightly off course
craft /krɑft/ noun 1. a boat, etc., for carrying people or goods on water 2. an aircraft or spacecraft for carrying peo-ple or goods in the air or in space . An airship is classified as a lighter-than-air craft.
crankcase /kr.kke.s/ noun the
part of the engine that houses the crank-shaft and also usually the oil pump . Oil passages in the crankcase allow lubri-cating oil to pass through.
crankshaft /kr.k.ɑft/ noun the
part of a piston engine connecting the pistons, via the connecting rods, to the flywheel and gearbox . Rpm is the number of revolutions per minute that the engine crankshaft is making.
crash /kr./ noun an accident that causes damage . verb to have an acci-dent or collision that causes damage .
The aircraft crashed into the sea.
crash-dive /kr. da.v/ verb to
move downwards quickly through the air front first and crash, or cause an air-craft to do this
crash-land /kr. lnd/ verb to
land heavily without using the under-carriage, so that the aircraft is damaged
. The aircraft crash-landed short of the runway.
crash-landing /kr. lnd../ noun
an act of landing an aircraft heavily, sometimes without the undercarriage .
The crash-landing did not damage the aircraft as much as the pilot expected.
create /krie.t/ verb to make, to pro-duce . The velocity and pressure of the exhaust gas create the thrust in the tur-bojet engine.
creep /krip/ noun 1. a process of weakening and slow damage to some-thing . Creep is a particular feature of components which are subjected to operation at high temperatures. 2. a slight movement of a tyre on a wheel caused by landing . Aligned white marks on the wheel and tyre indicate that there is no creep.

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