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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

bleed air /blid e./ noun compressed air from the engine compressor used for cabin pressurisation or to drive other services . Bleed air from the right engine can power items normally pow-ered by the left engine.
bleed screw /blid skru/ noun a
small screw in highest point of a hydraulic system to allow for the removal of air or vapour

blind transmission /bla.nd trnz
m..(.)n/ noun a transmission from one station to another in a situation where two-way communication cannot be established but where it is believed that the called station is able to receive the transmission
block /bl.k/ noun a large mass of something . verb 1. to prevent some-thing such as a fluid from passing freely through a pipe or channel . At high alti-tude, any water condensing out of the fuel could freeze and block the filters. 2. to prevent a course of action . The gov-ernment blocked attempts to prevent the building of the new airport.
blockage /bl.k.d/ noun 1. a collec-tion of something blocking a pipe, nar-row channel, filter, etc. . Ice crystals may form to cause a blockage of the fuel filter. 2. the state of being blocked . The blockage was caused by ice.
blow /bl.υ/ noun 1. an impact . a blow on the head 2. a disappointment . The news of her failure in the examination was a severe blow. . verb 1. (of the wind or air) to move . The sea breeze may blow almost parallel to the coast. 2. (of

33 boot
a fuse) to break, as it should, when the circuit is overloaded (NOTE: blowing – blew – blown)
blow-back /bl.υ bk/ noun a sud-den movement of fluid in the opposite direction to the general flow . A sudden release of pressure may cause a blow-back.
blower /bl.υ./ noun a device for blowing air . Air for combustion is obtained from a blower.
board /b.d/ noun 1. a flat, square or rectangular piece of wood or other material 2. . on board on an aircraft .
The flight plan records the callsign and the number of people on board. . verb to get on to an aircraft . In an emer-gency, many passengers only remember the entrance by which they boarded the aircraft.
boarding gate /b.d.. e.t/ noun
the door through which passengers leave the terminal building to get on to an aircraft . Boarding gates 1 – 10 are on the left.
boarding pass /b.d.. pɑs/ noun
a temporary pass, issued at the check-in desk, which allows the holder to board the aircraft . Boarding passes must be shown at the gate. (NOTE: The plural form is boarding passes.)
boarding steps /b.d.. steps/ plu-
ral noun stairs used by passengers and crew to get on board an aircraft . Pas-sengers had to wait in the aircraft for 15 minutes before the boarding steps were put in position.
boarding time /b.d.. ta.m/ noun
the time when passengers are due to board the aircraft . Boarding time is at
13.30 hrs.
body /b.di/ noun 1. the whole of a person or an animal 2. the main part of a person, but not the arms or legs 3. the main part of an aeroplane, system, text, etc. . The body of an aircraft is also called the ‘airframe’. . A flow-control valve consists of a body and a floating valve. 4. a large mass of liquid or gas . body of air a large quantity of air behaving in a particular way 5. an object . Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of a body.

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