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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

consider /k.ns.d./ verb to think carefully about something . If the air-craft is low on fuel, the commander should consider diverting to the nearest suitable airport.
‘…many purchasers of flight simulators would argue that, when considering the major manufacturers, there is little to choose between them’ [Civil Aviation Training]

considerable /k.ns.d(.)r.b(.)l/ adjective a lot of, quite large . The required range of trim change is consid-erable. (NOTE: Considerable does not mean that something should be thought about, as the meaning for the verb consider might suggest.) . a con-siderable amount of fuel a lot of fuel, a large amount of fuel . a considerable
distance a long distance . considera-ble force a lot of force
consideration /k.ns.d.re..(.)n/ noun 1. something important to remem-ber and to think carefully about . to take into consideration to remember to include when thinking about some-thing, solving a problem or making a calculation 2. thoughtfulness, respect .
to show consideration for other peo-ple and property to show respect for what belongs to other people
consist /k.ns.st/ verb . to consist of
to be made up of . Layer cloud names consist of a prefix, according to height of base, and a suffix according to shape.
. to consist in to mean, to be
consistent /k.ns.st.nt/ adjective
always reacting or behaving in the same way . Human hair responds in a con-sistent manner to changes in the rela-tive humidity. . consistent perform-ance performance which maintains a particular standard
consolidate /k.ns.l.de.t/ verb to
make more solid or strong . revision of the subject helps to consolidate it
revision of the subject helps to set it more firmly in the memory
consolidation /k.ns.l.de..(.)n/ noun 1. a process by which something is made more solid or strong 2. the grouping of goods together for ship-ment
constant /k.nst.nt/ adjective
unchanging . the temperature of the gas remains constant the temperature of the gas stays the same . constant pressure pressure which stays the same

constant speed drive unit
/k.nst.nt spid dra.v jun.t/ noun
a device fitted to aircraft with constant speed propellers. Abbreviation CSDU constant speed propeller
/k.nst.nt spid pr.pel./ noun a pro-peller with a control system which auto-matically adjusts pitch to maintain selected rpm
constant speed unit /k.nst.nt spid jun.t/ noun a device that auto-matically keeps a propeller at a speed set by the pilot. Abbreviation CSU

55 contaminate
constituent /k.nst.tjυ.nt/ noun
any one of the various parts that make up a whole . Water, whether in the form of vapour, liquid or ice, is a very impor-tant constituent of the atmosphere.
constitute /k.nst.tjut/ verb to
make up, to form . Oxygen and nitro-gen together constitute most of the atmosphere.
constrain /k.nstre.n/ verb 1. to pre-vent somebody from being completely free or from doing something they want to do . The airline was constrained in its purchase of new aircraft by lack of financial resources. 2. to force some-body to do something . Lack of finan-cial resources constrained the airline to cancel the purchase of new aircraft.

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