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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

contaminate /k.ntm.ne.t/ verb
to make something impure, harmful or dangerous . If contaminated air enters

contaminated fuel 56
the cabin, the dump valve can be opened.
contaminated fuel /k.n tm.ne.t.d fju.l/ noun fuel which contains an unwanted substance, such as water, and is therefore dangerous to use

contamination /k.ntm.
ne..(.)n/ noun a process by which a liquid, gas or object is made unusable because impurities or foreign matter are allowed into or onto it . contamination of air air pollution . fuel contamina-tion a situation in which fuel becomes unusable because an unwanted sub-stance such as water gets into it . nuclear contamination damage done to an object, person or substance because of contact with nuclear radia-tion
content /k.ntent/ noun the amount of a substance that is contained within something, often expressed as a per-centage . The stratosphere is a layer in which the water vapour content is low.
the moisture content of the atmos-phere the amount of water vapour in the air

continent /k.nt.n.nt/ noun one of the seven great land masses of the Earth

the continent of Europe

COMMENT: The seven continents are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Europe and Antarctica.

continental /k.nt.nent(.)l/ adjec-tive referring to a continent

continental climate
/k.nt.nent(.)l kla.m.t/ noun the type of climate found in areas where there is no effect from the sea
contingency /k.nt.nd.nsi/ noun
something which might happen in the future and therefore must be planned for
contingency reserve fuel /k.n t.nd.nsi r.zv fju.l/ noun fuel which would only be used in an unusual situation such as a diversion
continuity /k.nt.nju.ti/ noun con-tinuing . continuity of precipitation continuing rain, snow or hail
contour /k.ntυ./ noun the shape of something
contour chart /k.ntυ. t.ɑt/ noun
chart which shows areas of high and low ground

contour gradient /k.ntυ.
re.di.nt/ noun steepness of change in elevation
contour line /k.ntυ. la.n/ noun a
line on a map or chart joining points of
equal elevation contract /k.ntrkt/ verb to become smaller in volume . Liquids will expand or contract as a result of temperature changes. Opposite expand
contraction /k.ntrk..n/ noun the
decrease in volume of a substance brought about by cooling . Due to con-traction, the length of a mercury column shortens. Opposite expansion
contrail /k.ntre.l/ noun same as vapour trail contrast /k.ntrɑst/ noun 1. the
amount of light and dark in something seen . Contrast and colour enable a pilot to identify ground features. 2. the difference between two things . There is an enormous contrast between the performance of the two aircraft. . in contrast to when compared with . Air at altitude is cold in contrast to air at the surface.
contribute /k.ntr.bjut/ verb to

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