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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

AFS abbreviation aeronautical fixed service
aft /ɑft/ adjective towards the rear part of the aircraft . The rear part of the fuselage is called the aft section. . aft cabin the passenger compartment at the back of the aircraft . adverb rearwards or backwards . to move the control column aft to move the control column backwards. Opposite fore, forward
after /ɑft./ adjective positioned closer to the rear of an aircraft . adverb closer to the rear of an aircraft
afterburner /ɑft.bn./ noun a
system that injects fuel into the hot exhaust gases of a jet engine in order to increase thrust
AFTN abbreviation aeronautical fixed
telecommunication network agent /e.d.nt/ noun 1. a chemical substance which causes a change . If de-icing fluid is used as an anti-icing agent it should be sprayed onto the air-craft before the onset of icing. . extin-guishing agent a substance used to put out fires 2. a person who represents a company or arranges something for a company . the agent for British Air-ways . a travel agent
aggregate /r..t/ noun the total obtained by adding . The aggregate of the capacity of all the fuel tanks is 50 gallons. . verb to add or come together to form a mass or total . Ice crystals aggregate to form snowflakes.
AGL abbreviation above ground level agree /.ri/ verb 1. to have the same idea or opinion about something . The crew agreed with the findings of the investigation. 2. to come to an under-standing . After hours of discussion, the cabin staff agreed to call off the planned strike.
agreed /.rid/ adjective generally accepted . The millibar is an agreed unit of pressure.
agreement /.rim.nt/ noun 1. the
state of having the same idea or opinion as somebody . we are in agreement we agree 2. a document in which the things that two or more people or organisa-tions have agreed to do are written down . Regional Air Navigation Agree-ments
ahead /.hed/ adverb in front . look ahead look some distance in front of you . straight ahead directly in front
ahead of /.hed .v/ preposition 1. in
front of . Air ahead of a cold front is warmer than air behind a cold front. 2.
in advance of or at an earlier time than
. The flight from Paris arrived 10 min-utes ahead of schedule.

11 aircraft
AHRS noun a sensor which provides information on the pitch, bank and heading of an aircraft. Full form atti-tude heading reference system
AI abbreviation attitude indicator
AIAA abbreviation area of intense air activity AIC abbreviation aeronautical informa-
tion circular aid /e.d/ noun something which helps somebody do something _ verb to help 0 Computers can aid students in their studies.
AIDS /e.dz/ abbreviation 1. airborne integrated data system 2. aircraft inte-grated data system
aileron /'e.l.r.n/  a horizontal control surface hinged to the main-plane, which enables an aeroplane to bank or roll 0 By rotating the yoke the ailerons are moved and the aircraft rolls into a turn. (NOTE: The word comes from the French ‘aile’, meaning ‘wing’.) aim /e.m/ noun a goal or objective 0 A

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