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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

excess baggage /ekses b.d/
noun an amount, usually expressed as weight, of baggage which exceeds the airline’s limit per passenger
excessive /.kses.v/ adjective more
than the normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit . Excessive use of power when taxiing will require excessive use of brakes.
exchange /.kst.e.nd/ verb to give in return for something received .
Meteorological stations exchange information with other meteorological stations.
excitation /eks.te..(.)n/ noun the act of supplying a small current to the windings of larger electrical motors, etc. . Pilot excitation consists of a pilot exciter and a main exciter, to provide
the direct current for the motor of the alternating current generator.
exciter /.ksa.t./ noun the source of a small current to supply electrical cur-rent to the windings of larger electrical motors, etc., e.g. a battery . Pilot exci-tation consists of a pilot exciter and a main exciter, to provide the direct cur-rent for the motor of the alternating current generator.
exclude /.ksklud/ verb to keep out, to prevent from entering . Joints and interfaces should exclude moisture and improve fatigue life.
exercise /eks.sa.z/ noun an activity that requires physical or mental effort or practice . a classroom exercise . Swim-ming is good physical exercise for peo-ple such as pilots who spend a lot of time sitting down. . verb to use or to put into play or operation . Student pilots must exercise special care when land-ing in a strong crosswind.
exert /.zt/ verb . to exert a force
to put a force on something . Pressure is the force per unit area exerted by the atmosphere on a given surface area. .
to exert an influence to have an influ-ence . to exert pressure to put pressure onto something
exhaust /.z.st/ noun 1. the escape or release of vaporous waste material from an engine 2. a pipe through which waste gases pass out of the engine . The exhaust valve opens to allow for the exit of exhaust gases. . verb to consume or use up all of something . Supplies of fuel are exhausted. (NOTE: To run out is less formal.)
exhaust gas /.z.st s/ noun gas
which is the product of the combustion process and which is passed out through the exhaust system . Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide.
exhaust system /.z.st s.st.m/
noun a system of pipes, silencers, etc., which carry exhaust gases from the engine to a point where they are released into the atmosphere
exhaust valve /.z.st vlv/ noun
a valve in a piston engine which allows exhaust gases to leave the cylinder

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exhibit /.z.b.t/ verb to have or to display . Composites, due to their con-struction, exhibit good fatigue behav-iour. . Altocumulus are (usually) white layers or patches of cloud frequently exhibiting a waved appearance.
exist /.z.st/ verb to be present under particular circumstances or in a speci-fied place . Water can exist in the atmosphere in three forms. . A fire risk may exist following failure or leakage of any component.

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